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The Undergraduate Program of Urban and Regional Planning (UPURP) is designed to prepare graduates with basic knowledge, skills and attitudes required as planners, emphasizing on their ability to think rational and strategically with a comprehensive manner, to develop the best alternative solutions to problems, which are technically justifiable, socially acceptable, and morally responsible.

Intake period :
in every August

Intake cohort(s) :
SNBP, SNBT, Seleksi Mandiri-ITB, Jalur Internasional

Study duration :
4 years

Total CU :
minimum of 216 ECTS

Campus :
Ganesha and CirebonĀ 

Advantages and Job Prospects

Has been internationally accredited (ASIIN) and nationally ranked as Unggul (BAN-PT).

International dan national accreditation reflects the learning quality implemented both in Ganesha and Cirebon campus.

Qualified teaching staff and alumni

We have lecturers who are competent and qualified in their fields, including alumni who are spread across government agencies, international institutions, and private sector.

Wide Job Prospects

Job opportunities for graduates in the architecture sector and construction industry are very broad. Starting from architects (after fulfilling the minimum educational requirements of 5 years, internships and passing the Competency Test), practitioners in the development sector and construction industry, as well as the rapidly growing creative industry sector today.

Program Objectives


Having the ability to become a spatial planner and development manager of cities and regions.


Having the capability of applying analytical planning technique for solving a problem structurally in a clear, cohesive, and interesting presentation.


Having the ability to pursue and succeed in postgraduate studies.


Having the ability to lead a working group and show initiative in the planning profession and other professional activities.

Struktur Kurikulum 2024


Program Sarjana terdiri atas 2 bagian yang tidak terpisahkan yakni: TPB dan Tahap Pendidikan Lanjutan. TPB bertujuan untuk memperkokoh pengetahuan tentang materi ilmu dasar, membentuk kemampuan umum yang menopang pendidikan selanjutnya, serta membina sikap ilmiah dan kebiasaan belajar yang baik di perguruan tinggi.
Pada Semester 1, mahasiswa SAPPK mendapatkan paket mata kuliah TPB berupa Mata Kuliah Wajib ITB (MKWI) dengan total 18 SKS. Pada akhir Semester 1 akan dilakukan penjurusan sesuai dengan pilihan, kinerja akademik dan kuota program studi yang dipilih. Pada Semester 2, mahasiswa arsitektur akan mendapati total 18 SKS.
Seluruh kegiatan perkuliahan di tahun pertama dilaksanakan di kampus Jatinangor.

Semester 1
Mahasiswa SAPPK

Kode MK Courses SKS
MA1101 Matematika 4 CU/ 10 ECTS
FI1101 Fisika 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
KI1101 Kimia 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
WI1102 Berpikir Komputasional 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
WI1101 Pancasila 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
WI1103 Berkelanjutan 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
WI1104 Laboratory 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
Total 18 SKS / 45 ECTS

Semester 2
Mahasiswa Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Kode MK Courses SKS
WI4002 Literasi Data dan AI 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
WI4004 English 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
WI4001 Introduction to Engineering and Design 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
WI4005 Bahasa Indonesia 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
WI4007 Olahraga 1 SKS / 2,5 ECTS
PL1203 Pengantar Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PL1204 Urban and Regional Statistics 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PL1221 Introduction to Geological Environmental 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
Total 18 SKS / 45 ECTS

Semester 3

Kode MK Courses SKS
PL2108 Geographic Information System in Planning 4 CU/ 10 ECTS
PL2106 Location and Land Use 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PL2109 Urban and Regional Analytics 4 CU/ 10 ECTS
PL2153 Pengantar Ekonomi dan Ruang 4 CU/ 10 ECTS
PL2132 Sarana Prasarana Wilayah dan Kota 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
Total 18 SKS / 45 ECTS

Semester 4

Kode MK Courses SKS
PL2207 Planning Process Studio 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PL2206 Lingkungan dan Sumber Daya Alam 4 CU/ 10 ECTS
PL2212 Urban Planning 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PL2232 Perencanaan Infrastruktur Wilayah dan Kota 4 CU/ 10 ECTS
PL2222 Aspek Kependudukan dan Sosial 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 1 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
Total 20 SKS / 50 ECTS

Semester 5

Kode MK Courses SKS
PL3142 Planning Law 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PL3144 Manajemen Administrasi Pembangunan 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PL3109 Urban and Infrastructure Planning Studio 5 CU / 12,5 ECTS
PL3114 Housing System 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PL3121 Regional and Rural Planning 4 CU/ 10 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 2 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
Total 18 SKS / 45 ECTS

Semester 6

Kode MK Courses SKS
PL3209 Regional and Infrastructure Planning Studio 5 CU / 12,5 ECTS
PL3201 Planning History and Thoughts 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PL3205 Planning Evaluation Technique 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
WI4006 Kewarganegaraan 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
WI140X Agama 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 3 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 4 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
Total 19 SKS / 47,5 ECTS

Semester 7

Kode MK Courses SKS
PL4101 Research Methods 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PL4191 Kerja Praktik 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PL4111 Development Control 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
PL4113 Studio Perencanaan Tapak 4 CU/ 10 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 5 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 6 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
WI4003 Manajemen 2 CU/ 5 ECTS
Total 18 SKS / 45 ECTS

Semester 8

Kode MK Courses SKS
PL4209 Final Projects 6 SKS / 15 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 7 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 8 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
PLxxxx Mata Kuliah Pilihan 9 3 CU/ 7,5 ECTS
Total 15 SKS / 37,5 ECTS
Kode MK Courses SKS
Pengembangan Kawasan Khusus
PL3012 Special Topic in Planning I 3 SKS
PL3043 Special Topic in Planning II 3 SKS
PL4018 Special Topic in Planning III 3 SKS
PL4045 Coastal Area Development 3 SKS
Pengembangan Kota Baru/Perumahan Skala Besar
PL3013 Land Development 3 SKS
PL4015 Perencanaan Kota Baru 3 SKS
PL4013 Urban Design 3 SKS
PL4017 Pembiayaan Pembangunan Kota Baru 3 SKS
Penguatan Kebencanaan dalam Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
PL4022 Pembiayaan Resiko Bencana dalam Perencanaan 3 SKS
PL3021 Analisis Kebencanaan dalam Perencanaan 3 SKS
PL4045 Coastal Area Development 3 SKS
PL3051 Resource and Environmental Economics 3 SKS
Kode MK Courses SKS
Penguatan Perencanaan Infrastruktur Wilayah dan Kota
PL3032 Ekonomi Infrastruktur dan Transportasi 3 SKS
PL4034 Transportation Institutions 3 SKS
PL4037 Transportation Modeling 3 SKS
PL4035 Pembiayaan Infrastruktur dan Transportasi 3 SKS
Inovasi dan Pemodelan dalam Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
PL3022 Planning Information System 3 SKS
PL4021 Urban and Regional Modeling 3 SKS
PL4011 Urban and Regional Innovation System 3 SKS
PL4016 Analitika dan Informatika Perkotaan 3 SKS
Pengembangan Ekonomi Wilayah dan Kota
PL2002 Ekonomi dan Inovasi dalam Perencanaan 3 SKS
PL3032 Ekonomi Infrastruktur dan Transportasi 3 SKS
PL3051 Resource and Environmental Economics 3 SKS
PL4051 Ekonomi Pembangunan 3 SKS



Career Opportunity

Graduates with a bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Planning (SPWK) are qualified to work as planners for local and regional councils, government agencies, planning consultants, property developers, research institutes and non-governmental organizations.

Professional Membership

Graduates of this degree are eligible to become member of ITB Alumni Association (IA ITB) and apply for membership to the Indonesian Planners Association (Ikatan Ahli Perencana Indonesia).

Co- and Extra-Curricular


Student Affairs

There are some regular programs which are selected as a part of co-curricular activities whereas students involve and develop their soft skills These programs are designed with a multidisciplinary concept which involves multiple stakeholders including Student Association of UPURP (HMP Pangriptaloka).

HMP Pangriptaloka regularly carries out extracurricular activities such as discussions, seminars, workshops, and other relevant activities.



Merdeka Belajar and Outside Experience

Apart from the compulsory course: Internship, in the framework of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program, undergraduate students of Urban and Regional Planning have the opportunity to participate in various program offers both as student exchange programs (domestic and foreign), as well as activities outside the study program, for example:

  1. IISMA Program(Indonesian Student Mobility Awards) and OSE(Outbound Semester Exchange)program for abroad student exchanges.
  2. Merdeka Exchange Program (Program Pertukaran Merdeka / PPM) for domestic student exchange.
  3. Thematic KKN coordinated by the Directorate of Student Affairs.
  4. Internship Program in Industry.
  5. And several other programs.




As an ITB student, there are several scholarship schemes that can be applied for, through consideration of various provisions related to economic state and academic performance. In addition to scholarships, ITB also has a UKT financing relief scheme through an installment payment scheme.
. For more information, please visit the Instagram account of the Directorate of Student Affairs (@ditmawa.itb) or the website at (https://kemahasiswaan.itb.ac.id/)

Head of Study Program


Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota :
Dr. RM. Petrus Natalivan Indradjati, S.T., M.T.


Urban and Regional Planning Undergraduate Study Program

Kampus Ganesha:
Gedung Sugijanto Soegijoko- Laboratorium Teknik (Labtek) IX-A
Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Kampus Cirebon:
Jalan Kebonturi, Kec. Arjawinangun,
Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat, 45163

(022) 2504625
