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Tim Arsitektur ITB Juara 1 di Sayembara Multi Comfort Student Contest 2020

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Selamat kepada tim Arsitektur ITB: Selvia DiwantyVadya Dzauqiah, dan Hilman Prakoso di bawah bimbingan Pak  Dr.Eng. M Donny Koerniawan, ST., MT. , atas prestasinya sebagai juara 1 pada Grand Final Sayembara Desain Multi Comfort Student Contest oleh Saint-Gobain, sebuah perusahaan multi-nasional dalam bidang material bangunan. Semoga prestasi ini dapat memberi semangat dan energi positif bagi rekan-rekan mahasiswa lain untuk selalu berbuat yang terbaik.

Berikut adalah penjelasan dari tim:

RE(BOND)IR: Reminiscing the Past, Rebounding for the Future

The Multi Comfort Student Contest is an international competition based on the principles of Saint-Gobain’s Multi Comfort Program. The team from ITB consists of Selvia Diwanty, Vadya Dzauqiah, and Hilman Prakoso, under the supervision of Mr. Donny Koerniawan. The contestants are tasked to design a sustainable development park combining residential, educational, and recreational functions. The proposed project has competed in the national contest and will represent Indonesia in the International Stage.

Designed based on the notion of the Sustainable Development, Re(bond)ir serves as an affordable living area in a festive historical setting. The proposed design strive to promote reminiscence of the respected past while moving forward to the future through its design vision: Sustainable, Permeable, and Memorable Saint Denis.

The design focuses on energy efficiency and the occupants’ multi-comfort & well being to encourage sustainable lifestyle. Not only reducing the carbon footprints, the design also generates energy from alternative source to fulfill the area’s needs.







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