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“A strong political will to further develop tourism industries has encouraged the undertaking of tourism studies and increased the demand for tourism planning”

Master in Tourism Planning

146-5a LA Excursion to Singapore 2019


Tourism Planning students are required to attend classes, as well as be faced with real problems to solve in the planning studio. Students will also be given the opportunity to take elective courses offered by other related courses: urban and regional planning, architecture, urban design, and transportation planning.

156-2 Intl Event - IWWA 2019 at Kampung Tarung, Sumba, NTT

With the increasingly strategic position of tourism in the national development agenda, this program will be suitable for lecturers from many tourism management schools, as well as planning schools. This program is also beneficial for those starting a career in the province as well as
pemerintah daerah (Kabupaten dan Kota).

In addition, the need for consulting services in tourism planning is also increasing, in line with the fact that tourism is a concern of many parties, even provincial and district/city governments. Tourism planning at various levels of government is required by law (UU RI No. 10 of 2009).

So far, there are no specific professional associations available for program alumni to apply to. However, they may be eligible to become members of the ITB Alumni Association (ITB Alumni Association/IA ITB).

Tourism Planning is a 36-credit master's program which can be undertaken in 3 consecutive semesters on a full-time basis.

59-1c TP Community Survey

Several regular programs are designated to be part of co & extracurricular activities for master students where students engage and develop their soft skills, including: leadership, teamwork, empathy and initiative, real world problem solving and others. This program is designed to be multi-disciplinary and involves various parties.

Some of the regular programs:

  1. Summer Camp
  2. Summer school
  3. International Join Studio
  4. Join workshop

The Faculty also offers students the opportunity to be a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant if they comply with several terms and conditions.

Program Studi Magister Perencanaan Kepariwisataan
Gedung Sugijanto Soegijoko- Laboratorium Teknik (Labtek) IX-A
Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(022) 2504625 (p)
(022) 2500046 (f)
www.admission.itb.ac.id (w)
Head of Master in Tourism Planning Dr. Suhirman.