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General Lecture : Implications For Design and Planning

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Oleh : Admin


On Friday, September 3, 2021 at 09.00-11.00 am, School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Develoment (SAPPD) General Lecture Webinar was held and  it was the opening general lecture for the 2021/2022 academic year. The theme of the General Lecture was ‘The History and Future of Energy Security and Climate Change with Prof. Budy P Resosudarmo as the speaker. This public lecture was attended by the academic community of SAPPD ITB with more than 550 participants.

The General Lecture was opened by the Vice Dean of Academics SAPPD ITB, Mr. Aswin Indraprastha, Ph.D. and then the Dean (Mrs. Dr. Sri Maryati) gave a greeting and speech. The general lecture was opened by the moderator, Mr. Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang, PhD. The presentation began with an explanation regarding the condition of Indonesia since the colonial era, especially the development and growth of the Indonesian economy and how the Government’s policy revolution related to natural resource management. Next, Prof. Budy explained how the intensity of energy use in Indonesia is decreasing and shows that Indonesia has not been able to adopt efficient technology in energy use. Furthermore, the use of coal in Indonesia also continues to increase, indicating that the adverse effects of coal use are also increasing.

This is also shown by the increase in carbon dioxide emissions which continued to increase from 2004-2018. All those issues showed that the energy security in Indonesia is something that need to be fixed soon. Prof. Budy explained that energy security issue in Indonesia can be managed by regional energy integration and extensive use of renewable energy. Regional energy integration can be done by physically connecting Indonesia’s energy distribution networks with those in othe Southeast Asian countries and developing one market energy system. As for extensive use of renewable energy, Indonesia should start to develop solar, wind, and hydro powers.

These are the documentation :

Watch the Webinar on Channel Youtube of SAPPK : https://youtu.be/GOtOGPv-Dlk














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