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Undergraduate Program of Urban and Regional Planning
(International Track)

This program is open to both Indonesian and foreign nationals. All academic activities are given in English as the primary language of instruction. The program offers international mobility activities with ITB’s overseas partner universities with the EXCHANGE PROGRAM.

Commencement Date: every August

Duration of Study: 8 Semesters full time (include 2 Semesters of Exchange) 

Total Credit: 144 minimum 

Why the International Track?

1. Quality Improvements through International Exposure 

Several university partners provide special tuition for student exchange, therefore students have the chance to study abroad early and at a reduced cost 

2. Challenges to the Globalizing Labor Markets

This track is intended to prepare students for international careers in urban and regional planning.

3. Student Exchanges Program

The Student Exchange Program allows students to receive a Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning degree while continuing to develop critical and creative thinking skills via a lively learning process with our university’s partners.

4. The Implication of International Accreditation (ASIIN) 

Students will gain exposure to global culture immersion both inside and outside of the classroom by spending a year abroad and adapting to a culturally varied academic context 


To maintain its standard of quality and compatibility at national as well as international levels, the undergraduate curriculum is designed with reference to the levels of competence set by:

  1. Planning Accreditation Board (PAB)
  2. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)
  3. Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften (ASIIN – Germany) 

Study Path

1st Year

Fundamental sciences, knowledge, and skills.

2nd Year

Fundamental principles and skills for planners, array from social, economic, physical and environmental, spatial, to legal aspects.

3rd Year

Core planning expertise, i.e. urban, regional, rural, infrastructure, and policy.

4th Year

Specialization, electives, and bachelor project.


For more information of the UPURP International Track Admission you can check on this link https://admission.itb.ac.id/info/international-undergraduate-program/ 

Curriculum Structure

International Partners


For further information about Undergraduate Program of Urban and Regional Planning – International Track:

(022) 25019171

(022) 2501263

(e) natalivan@itb.ac.id

(e) IRO_sappd@itb.ac.id



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