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Urban and Regional Planning Library

About The Library

Library at a Glance

Our collection ranges from text books, journals, research reports, project reports, undergraduate and graduate thesis, and dissertation. The number of each type of collection is on this table

No Type of Collection Number of Title
1 Text books 4176
2 Research and Planning Report 5850
3 Internship Report 1652
4 Undergraduate Thesis 1709
5 Graduate Thesis 844
6 Dissertation 29
7 Journal 266

We also provide the article searching through the internet address: http://lib.itb.ac.id. Some databases online: Proquest, Science Direct, Springer, and Scopus

Our library’s facilities are including:

  • – Study Desks and Seats with the capacity of 80 people
  • – Computers for study or journal searching : 10 units
  • – Computer for catalog searching: 4 Units
  • – Scanner    : 1 Unit
  • – Barcode Scanner    : 1 Unit
  • – Air Conditioner
  • – Information on TV
  • – CCTV

Staff Members
1.    Shanty Y Rachmat, PhD– Coordinator
2.    Yoninur Almira, S.Sos
3.    Edje



The library established on 1959 when the department of Urban and Regional Planning also settled as new department.

URP Library locates on the third floor (east side) of Laboratory Technology (LABTEK) IX-A or Sugijanto Soegijoko Building. Jalan Ganesha Nomor 10. West Java, Bandung City, 40132
ITB Centre Library

Using The Library
How To Become A Member
The members should be one of the following criteria:

  1. Undergraduate or Graduate (Master and Doctorate) Student from Urban and Regional Planning Study Program
  2. Graduate Student from affiliated study programs: Architecture, Development Study, and Transportation
  3. Lecturers and Staffs in Urban and Regional Planning Study Program
  4. Exceptional Members: Lecturers from SAPPK besides URP Study Program

The prospective members should ask the library help desk to access the membership card
Other than members can access the collection on site of the library

Borrowing Rules

  1. URP Student: Textbook can be borrowed for 2 weeks and maksimum 5 (five) books for undergraduate student and 10 (ten) books for graduate student in a time. Each book can be prolonged twice. The fine for late return is 500 IDR per day per book.
  2. Architecture, Development Study, and Transportation Student: Textbook can be borrowed for 1 weeks and maksimum 3 (three) books in a time. The book can be borrowed once. The fine for late return is 500 IDR per day per book.
  3. Reference book: only 1 (one) day and can be borrowed once.

Monday to Friday (except Holiday)
Break Time:
Monday to Thursday 12.00 WIB – 13.00 WIB
Friday  11.00 WIB – 13.30 WIB

Urban and Regional Planning Library
Soegijoko Building. Jalan Ganesha Nomor 10. West Java, Bandung City, 40132
Phone 0222504735
Email: lib@sappk.itb.ac.id