Building Technology

Building Technology Research Division consists of six areas of study;
- Building System,
- Building Performance,
- Architectural Project and Construction Management,
- Building and Environment Control,
- Architectural Disaster Mitigation,
- Architectural Computation and Modeling.
The six areas of study are an outgrowth of the three main study areas, namely: the structure of the building, construction management and building science, which became the embryo of a variety of professional activities and current research. It was recognized that the academic / educational architecture cannot grows without professional activities as a practice field / applied technology in architecture.
The current rapid development of the knowledge of building technology has
been driven by several factors such as environmental degradation, scarcity of
energy and natural resources and also by the progress of management science and computing.

Ir., MT., Dr. (ITB).
Building system; building performance and service life; vernacular building technology

Associate Professor
ST., MT. (ITB), Ph.D. (Kochi).
Construction management; sustainable construction; project delivery service

Associate Professor
Ir. (Unibraw), MT. (ITB), Dr.(ITB)
Urban thermal environment; building material and technology; building structure and technology

Assistant Professor
ST., MT. (ITB), Dr-Ing. (RWTH Aachen).
Structural design; appropriate technology for developing countries; bamboo construction

Assistant Professor
Ir (Unhas), MT (ITB), Dr (ITB)
Building technology and safety

Assistant Professor
ST. (UGM), MT. (ITB), Dr. (Kitakyushu)
Urban and architectural modeling and simulation; building energy

ST., MT. (ITB)
Building operation, performance and management

Ir. (ITN Malang), MT. (ITB), Ph.D. (UTM)
System and building performance

S.T., (ITB) M.Sc. (Nottingham)
Structure; sustainable architecture

ST., MT . (ITB), Ph.D. (Shibaura)
Spatial Computing, Building Information Modelling (BIM), and Virtual Reality (VR)

ST. (ITB), M.Sc, Ph.D. (Nottingham)
Passive cooling, Building Performance Simulation

ST., MT. (ITB)
Structure, Construction, and Algorithmic Design Approach
Dr. Ir. Surjamanto W., MT. (2020).
Pembuatan model dinding sandwich aktif yang sesuai daerah tropis dengan konsep pengelolaan kalor yang mampu mengurangi efek pemanasan lingkungan dan hemat energi operasional bangunan.
Dewi Larasati, ST,MT, Ph.D. (2020).
Manajemen Pembangunan Berkelanjutan: Upaya Penurunan Beban Energi Pendinginan Melalui Desain Bangunan Apartemen Kelas Menengah Bawah.
Permana ST, MT. (2019).
Development of Modular Wood Block Construction Innovation For Multi-storey Buildings (P3MI).
Dr.-Ing. Andry Widyowijatnoko, ST, MT. (2019).
Rection Structure as Combination of Reciprocal and Tensegrity Structure (P3MI).
Fauzan Alfi Agirachman, ST, MT. (2019).
Utilization of Building Information Modeling for Post-Fire Disaster Building Reconstruction, Study Case: Development Study of ITB Building (P3MI).
Dibya Kusyala, ST, MT. (2019).
Identification of The Use of Prefabrication System In The Framework of Resources Saving In The Development of Low and Medium Cost Apartments In Indonesia (P3MI).
Dewi Larasati, ST, MT, Ph.D. (2019).
Embodied Energy Saving for Low Middle Class Apartment in Indonesia (P3MI).
Hafshah Salamah, ST MT. (2019).
Study of Flood Resistant Building Structure in Dense Urban Settlement (P3MI).
Dr. Ir. Lily Tabunan, MT. (2019).
Construction of Bamboo Plastered House for Post Disaster Residential (P3MI).
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugeng Triyadi S., MT. (2019).
The Production of Book On Working Drawing In Building Procurement Processes (P3MI).
International Journals
Wonorahardjo, S., Sutjahja, I.M., Mardiyati, Y. et al. (2020). Characterising thermal behaviour of buildings and its effect on urban heat island in tropical areas. Int J Energy Environ Eng 11, 129–142.
Ekrem Tuncbilek, Müslüm Arıcı, Salwa Bouadila, Surjamanto Wonorahardjo. (2020). Seasonal and annual performance analysis of PCM-integrated building brick under the climatic conditions of Marmara region. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
S.Wonorahardjo, I.M. Sutjahja and Daniel Kurnia. (2019). Potential of Coconut Oil for Temperature Regulation in Tropical Houses. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Vol. 92, No.1, 80-88. © 2019 Springer US.
S.Wonorahardjo, I.M. Sutjahja, Siti Aisyah Damiati and Daniel Kurnia. (2019). Adjustment of Indoor Temperature using Internal Thermal Mass under Different Tropical Weather Conditions. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Mohhamad Kusyanto, Imam Adlin Sinaga, Sugeng Triyadi, Budi Faisal, Surjamanto Wonorahardjo and Aldissain Jurizat. (2019). Space Quality of Two Indonesian Mosques: Architectural Style, Development Process and Environmental Condition. American Journal of Environmental Sciences.
International Proceedings
Andoni, H., Jurizat, A., Steven, Mardiyati, Wonorahardjo, S. 2019. Thermal Behaviour Studies on Building Walls based on Type and Composition of the Materials. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Telp. +62-22-2504962
Website: https://multisite.itb.ac.id/kktb