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Jurnal Internasional 2009

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Penulis Judul dan Jurnal
Larasati, D.Z.R. Current state of construction industry performance in Indonesia, – can it be improved? Journal of Construction Management’, pada peer review Journal of Construction Management, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Vol. 16, p. 399-410, December 2009
Indraprastha, A. & Shinozaki, M. The Investigation on Using Unity 3D Game Engine in Urban Design Study. ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology Vol. 3C No.1, ISSN: 1978-3086. 2009
Argo, T. Peran Pemangku Kepentingan dalam Perencanaan Metropolitan. Buletin Tata Ruang (in press), 2009.
Larasati, D.Z.R. Evaluation study on existing condition of Indonesian construction industry: How to improve performance and the competitiveness. On line Journal of Society for Social Management Systems, SMS09-114, April 2009.
Widiastuti, I., and Vedamuthu, R. A Comparative Study of Vernacular Settlement and Dwelling Culture: A Case Study in Kerala, South India, and Minangkabau in Sumatra, Indonesia. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.15-30. 2009
Tommy Firman The Continuity and Change in Mega-Urbanization in Indonesia: a Survey of Jakarta-Bandung Region (JBR) Development. Habitat International, 33 (4), 327-339. 2009.
Tommy Firman Planning for an Extended Metropolitan Region in Asia: Jakarta, Indonesia. (Case Study prepared for Revisiting Urban Planning: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009) (co-authored With C. Rakodi). http://www.unhabitat.org/grhs/2009.
Teti Armiati Argo Peran Pemangku Kepentingan dalam Perencanaan Metropolitan. Buletin Tata Ruang (in press), 2009.
Saut Sagala , N Okada, D Paton Predictors of Intention to Prepare for Volcanic Risks in Mt. Merapi, Indonesia.
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, Vol 3(2): 47-54 pp. 2009
Wilmar Salim, B. Kombaitan. Jakarta: the rise and challenge of a capital. City, 13(1): 120-128. 2009
Pradono, Shanty Y. Rachmat, Nathalia D. Pitaloka Level of Acceptance of the TDM Implementation in Indonesian Cities, EASTS, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, 2010
Pradono, Shanty Y. Rachmat, Nathalia D. Pitaloka The Implementation of TDM in Indonesian Cities, Journal of East Asian Society of Transportation Studies, Vol.8. 2009
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