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Joint Exhibition SAPPK-ITB and FADP University of Sydney in the Prepcom3 Conference of Habitat III

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Following the success joint exhibition of PL     Planning Studio and PLAN 9049 International Urban and Development Planning and Design in FADP in the University of Sydney, 2-16 May 2016, ITB and Sydney University have exhibited the work in the Prepcom3 Conference of Habitat III, in Surabaya, Indonesia, 25-28 July 2016.

The conference was conducted by UN HABITAT (the UN body managing Urban settlements), and was attended by delegates from 146 countries, and 4000 participants from international donors and bodies as well as prominent universities in the world.

The joint exhibition presented the student work from both universities. Dr Sri Maryati (ITB) and Dr. Ninik Suhartini (University of Sydney) also had an opportunity to present the process of joint studio in the Urban Speakers Corner, as part of the conference, on 26 July 2016, and receiving positive feedback from the UN delegates and other participants.


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