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Kode Courses SKS Rekomendasi Semester Pengambilan
PL3011 Land Development 2 5
PL3031 Ekonomika Infrastruktur & Transportasi 2 5
PL3001 Disaster Aspect in Planning 2 6
PL3002 Special Topic in Planning I 2 7
PL4001 Introduction to Tourism Planning 2 7
PL4002 Coastal Area Development 2 7
PL4003 Pemodelan Wilayah & Kota 2 7
PL4004 Participatory Planning 2 (0.5) 7
PL4005 Capita Selecta 2 7
PL4006 Special Topic in Planning II 2 7
PL4007 Sistem Inovasi Wilayah & Kota 2 7
PL4008 Seminar in Futuristic Studies 2 7
PL4012 Urban Revitalization and New Town Planning 2 7
PL4031 Transportation Institutions 2 7
PL4032 Transportation Modeling 2 7
PL4041 Introduction to Urban Finance 2 7
PL4042 Planning and Politics 2 7

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