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The Master's Program in Urban Design aims to produce skilled, creative and professional urban designers who are able to make decisions in urban design and development, work in multidisciplinary teams, uphold ethical principles and environmental sustainability, and are ready to compete in the world. global market.

Intake period :
in every August and January

Intake cohort(s) :
ITB Graduate Students Selection

Study duration :
2 years

Total CU :
minimum of 54 ECTS

Campus :

Advantages and Job Prospects

Accredited A by the national accreditation institution (BAN-PT)

National accreditation reflects the quality of learning being carried out.

Qualified teaching staff and alumni

We have lecturers who are competent and qualified in their fields, including alumni who are spread across government agencies, international institutions, and private sector.

Wide Job Prospects

Graduates of this program can develop careers in government agencies, consultancy and research in the field of urban design on a regional, national and global scale, as lecturers in D4 or S1 urban design study programs.

Program Objectives


prepare graduates who can develop knowledge in the field of urban design and development and apply it to improve the quality of life based on public interests, community aspirations and cultural values based on the real conditions of developing countries, such as Indonesia.

Compulsory Courses

Semester 1

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Studio Rancang Kota I 3
Prinsip-Prinsip Rancang Kota 2
Metode Rancang Kota 2
Sejarah dan Teori Rancang Kota 2

Semester 2

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Studio Rancang Kota II 4

Semester 3

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Studio Rancang Kota III 4
Metodologi Riset 3

Semester 4

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Tesis Rancang Kota 6

Daftar Mata Kuliah Pilihan

  1. Studi Kasus dalam Rancang Kota 2
  2. Konservasi Lingkungan Perkotaan 2
  3. Topik Khusus I 2
  4. Pengendalian Rancang Kota 2
  5. Topik Khusus II 2
  6. Pemodelan dan Analisis Urban Berbasis Data 3
  7. Analisis Data Penelitian Rancang Kota 2
  8. Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) untuk Lingkungan Perkotaan 2

Daftar Staf Pengajar dan Bidang Keahlian


Career Opportunity

Graduates of this program occupy important positions on local, regional and national planning boards, and private consulting firms.

Professional Membership

Graduates of this degree may be eligible to become members of, and upon meeting certain requirements, with the Indonesian Association of Urban Design Experts.

Co- and Extra-Curricular

Field Lecture

Several regular programs are designated to be part of co & extracurricular activities for master students where students engage and develop their soft skills, including: leadership, teamwork, empathy and initiative, real world problem solving and others. This program is designed to be multi-disciplinary and involves various parties.

Some of the regular programs:

  1. Summer Camp
  2. Summer school
  3. International Join Studio
  4. Join workshop

The Faculty also offers students the opportunity to be a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant if they comply with several terms and conditions.

Scholarships and Fee Waivers

Scholarships and Fee Waivers

As a postgraduate student of ITB, there are several scholarship schemes that can be applied for, of course with conditions that are generally related to economics and academic performance. Post-graduate students can apply for scholarships from Sekolah Pasca Sarjana ITB atau dari institusi lain.

Please contact the Graduate School for more information on the scheme. Ganesha Talent Assistantship.

Head of Study Program


Head of Master in Urban Design :
DR. Eng. Mochamad Donny Koerniawan, S.T, M.T.


Program Studi Magister Rancang Kota
Gedung Laboratorium Teknik (Labtek) IX-B
Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(022) 2504962 (p)
(022) 2530705 (f)
www.sps.itb.ac.id (w)
