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The need to plan for development in regions and cities increasingly demands the ability to reflect existing planning practices into conceptual thinking or explore the scientific meaning of planning processes or concepts in regional and urban spaces. Critical experience, innovative thinking and creative abilities are the main characteristics in encouraging the process of creating new science and knowledge in the field of PWK. The PWK Doctoral Study Program opens opportunities for participants to engage in deepening science and knowledge that will lead regional and urban planning to renew and strengthen planning concepts. Referring to the concepts, theories and ideologies of spatial planning and development at the scope of regions and cities, this program builds multi-disciplinary, multi-sector and multi-functional characteristics so that reflective activities of planning regions and cities are not only limited to planning methods and application of planning concepts, but also issues of application of socio-political processes at various planning levels (local, national and global). The degree of integration and the ability to think holistically becomes the strength of the participants which is expected to be the culmination of learning in this field of PWK.

Doctoral graduates of PWK ITB are expected to master the discipline of Urban and Regional Planning, be able to reproduce knowledge in the discipline of urban and regional planning through independent research, and be able to communicate and disseminate the results to academic and non-academic audiences.

Intake period :
Every August (3 waves of selection)

Intake cohort(s) :
ITB Graduate Students Selection

Study duration :
3-4 Years

Total CU :
A minimum of 42 credits for students in the same field, and a minimum of 54 credits for students who are not in the same field.

Campus :

What are the advantages and career prospects?

Accredited A by the national accreditation institution (BAN-PT)

National accreditation reflects the quality of learning being carried out.

Qualified promoters and teaching staff

We have promoters, co-promoters, and lecturers who are competent and qualified in their fields, including alumni who are spread across government agencies, international institutions and the private sector.

Career and job prospects

Graduates of this program can develop careers in government institutions, as researchers in universities and government and non-government research institutions.

Program Objectives


Producing graduates who have the ability to carry out research independently, ethically and professionally in the field of urban and regional planning.


Producing graduates who have the ability to produce scientific work that reflects their special expertise, as well as making original contributions to the field of urban and regional planning.


Producing graduates who have the ability to transfer knowledge to the scientific and general public through various means.

Compulsory Courses

Semester 1

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Seminar Teori Perencanaan 3
Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan 2
Ujian Persiapan 3 (3)

Semester 2

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Penulisan Ilmiah 2
Seminar Metodologi Penelitian 3
Proposal Penelitian 3 (3)

Semester 3

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Laporan Kemajuan I: Rancangan Penelitian 5 (5)

Semester 4

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Laporan Kemajuan II: Kompilasi Data 5 (5)

Semester 5

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Laporan Kemajuan III: Analisis 5 (5)

Semester 6

Mata Kuliah Wajib:

Ujian Disertasi 3 (3)
Laporan Kemajuan IV: Kesimpulan 5 (5)

Daftar Mata Kuliah Pilihan

  1. Teori Wilayah dan Kota 3
  2. Keberlanjutan Lingkungan 3
  3. Teori Keruangan 3
  4. Kelembagaan Perencanaan 3
  5. Tata Kelola dan Politik Perkotaan 3
  6. Seminar Keuangan Perkotaan 3
  7. Seminar Pemodelan Wilayah dan Kota 3
  8. Seminar Topik- Topik Kontemporer dalam Pembangunan Wilayah 3
  9. Seminar Kebijakan Publik 3
  10. Pemodelan Ekonometrika Keruangan 3
  11. Seminar Pembangunan Kota 3
  12. Pengembangan Lahan dan Properti 3
  13. Seminar Pengendalian Pembangunan Kota 3
  14. Seminar Pengembangan dan Inovasi Wilayah 3
  15. Seminar Pembangunan Perdesaan 3
  16. Seminar Urbanisasi Wilayah 3
  17. Seminar Sistem Infrastruktur dan Transportasi 3
  18. Seminar Manajemen Konflik 3
  19. Seminar Mitigasi dan Adaptasi Bencana 3
  20. Program Sandwich 4
  21. Pengelolaan Proyek Penelitian 4
  22. Pengelolaan Pengajaran dalam Bidang Perencanaan 4

Daftar Staf Pengajar dan Bidang Keahlian

  1. Delik Hudalah, S.T., M.T. (ITB), M.Sc. (RUG), Ph.D. (RUG) (Ketua Program Studi)
  2. Prof. Arief Rosyidie, Drs (UGM), MSP (ITB), M.Arch, Ph.D (Leuven)
  3. Prof. Benedictus Kombaitan, Ir (ITB), M.Sc (Wisconsin-Madison), Dr (ITB)
  4. Prof. Haryo Winarso, Ir. (UGM), M.Eng (AIT), Ph.D (UCL)
  5. Prof. Pradono, SE (UGM), M.Ec.Dev (ANU), Dr. Eng (Tokyo)
  6. Prof. Djoko Santoso Abisuroso, Ir. (ITB), Ph.D. (Queensland)
  7. Adenantera Dwicaksono, ST (ITB), M.Dev.St. (Melbourne), Ph.D. (SUNY-Albany)
  8. Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang, ST (ITB), MGIT (Melbourne), Ph.D. (UCL)
  9. Alhilal Furqan, B.Sc. (UKM), M.Sc., Ph.D. (USM)
  10. Bagas Dwipantara Putra, ST (Tarumanagara), MT (ITB), Ph.D. (RMIT)
  11. Binsar P.H. Naipospos, Ir, MSP (ITB), Dr. (ITB)
  12. Denny Zulkaidi, Ir (ITB), MUP (McGill), Dr (ITB)
  13. Fikri Zul Fahmi, ST (ITB), M.Sc., Ph.D. (RUG)
  14. Hadi Nurtjahjo, Ir., MT, Dr. (ITB)
  15. Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu, Ir. (ITB), Ph.D. (Kochi)
  16. Hastu Prabatmodjo, Ir (IPB), MS (Florida State), Ph.D (Queensland)
  17. Heru Purboyo HP., Ir (ITB), DEA (Paris VIII), Dr (Paris VIII)
  18. Ibnu Syabri, B.Sc, M.Sc (Kentucky), Ph.D (Illinois)
  19. Iwan Kustiwan, Ir, MSP (ITB), Dr (UI)
  20. Miming Miharja, ST (ITB), M.Sc.Eng (Leeds), Ph.D (RUG)
  21. Niken Prilandita, ST (ITB), M.Sc (AIT), Dr.Eng. (Kyoto)
  22. Ninik Suhartini ST (ITB), MURP (Usyd), PhD (Usyd)
  23. Petrus Natalivan, ST, MT (ITB), Dr (ITB )
  24. Puspita Dirgahayani, ST (ITB), M. Eng., Dr. Eng. (Tokyo)
  25. Ridwan Sutriadi, ST (ITB), MT (ITB), Ph.D. (Florida)
  26. Saut Aritua Hasiholan Sagala, ST (ITB), M.Sc. (Twente), Ph.D. (Kyoto)
  27. Shanty Y. Rachmat, ST (ITB), MT (ITB), M.Sc (RUG)., Ph.D. (Florida)
  28. Sri Maryati, ST (ITB), MIP (Stuttgart), Dr (ITB )
  29. Suhirman, Drs., SH (UNPAD), MT (ITB), Dr. (ITB )
  30. Teti Armiati Argo, Ir (ITB), MES (York), Ph.D (UBC)
  31. Tubagus Furqon S., Ir (ITB), MA (ISS), Ph.D (Illinois)
  32. Wilmar Salim, ST (ITB), M.Reg.Dev. (Queensland), Ph.D (Hawaii)


Career Opportunity

Graduates with a Doctorate in Urban and Regional Planning (Dr.) are qualified to work as researchers and urban and regional planners for government agencies, planning consultants, property developers, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

Student Exchange

Student Exchange

This program is intended for doctoral students to gain additional experience conducting research enrichment at partner universities, conducting scientific discussions with international professors and colleagues.

Scholarships and Fee Waivers

Scholarships and Fee Waivers

As a postgraduate student of ITB, there are several scholarship schemes that can be applied for, of course with conditions that are generally related to economics and academic performance. Post-graduate students can apply for scholarships from Sekolah Pasca Sarjana ITB or from other institutions such as: LPDP, BPI, or others.

Please contact the Graduate School for more information on the scheme. Ganesha Talent Assistantship.

Head of Study Program


Head of Doctor Urban and Regional Planning : Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang, S.T, M.GIT., Ph.D.


Program Studi Doktor Perencaan Wilayah dan Kota
Gedung Sugijanto Soegijoko- Laboratorium Teknik (Labtek) IX-A
Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(022) 2504625 (p)
(022) 2500046 (f)
