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Joint Studio Design Workshop/Travelling Studio 2015 School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPD) ITB and Melbourne School of Design (MSD), University of Melbourne

Joint Studio Design Workshop/Travelling Studio 2015 School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPD) ITB and Melbourne School of Design (MSD), University of Melbourne

From November 12-24, 2015 a jointly-organized Studio Design Workshop/Travelling Studio took place successfully at the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development ITB. Around 35 students from both universities participated in the workshop in which 20 ITB students are from the study program urban design (10 students) and landscape architecture (10 students). The rest of […]

International Seminar : Sustainable Urban Mobility through Mass Transit System and Transit Oriented Development

International Seminar : Sustainable Urban Mobility through Mass Transit System and Transit Oriented Development

Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan bersama Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan serta Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific PTE.LTD menyelenggarakan Seminar Internasional bertajuk “Sustainable Urban Mobility through Mass Transit System and Transit Oriented” pada hari Jumat, 20 November 2015 di Ruang Seminar Lt. II Labtek IX A, Gedung SAPPK-ITB, Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung; mulai pukul […]

Mahasiswa Program Doktor PWK SAPPK ITB akan melaksanakan Sidang Promosi Doktor

Salah satu mahasiswa Program Doktor Prodi PWK-DSPPK ITB akan melaksanakan Sidang Pomosi Doktor pada semester ini adalah : Nama mahasiswa: Yudi Basuki NIM: 35410001 Judul Disertasi: POLA PERGERAKAN AKIBAT AKTIVITAS PADA KOMUNITAS ONLINE PEREMPUAN DI INDONESIA Promotor: Prof.Roos Akbar, Prof. Pradono, Dr. Miming Miharja Penyanggah: Dr. Iwan P. Kusumantoro, Dr. Petrus Natalivan, dan Prof.Dr.Tech. Danang […]



Pada tanggal 11 November 2015, Sekolah Arsitektur Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat telah menyelenggarakan event Seminar Internasional HABITechno 2015.  Seminar ini mengangkat topik: “Public Housing and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Urbanization”. HABITechno 2015 dibuka oleh Dekan SAPPK ITB, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo dan Wakil Rektor Wakil Rektor […]

Visit to the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning (FADP), University of Sydney, Australia

Visit to the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning (FADP), University of Sydney, Australia

On Friday, 30 October 2015, representative of SAPPK ITB (Miming Miharja, Ph.D; Prof.B. Kombaitan; Ibnu Syabri, Ph.D.; Dr. Heru Purbyo, Dr. Binsar Naipospos, Dr. Sri Maryati,Shanty Y. Rachmat, Ph.D., Zafir Pontoh, MA, and Nia K. Pontoh, MT) visited the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning (FADP), the University of Sydney. During this meeting, further collaboration […]

Summary of Collaborative International Workshop on Development of Disaster Resilient Coastal Communities to Enhance Economic Development and Social Welfare, PWK -SAPPK ITB, 28 October – 1 November 2015

Summary of Collaborative International Workshop on Development of Disaster Resilient Coastal Communities to Enhance Economic Development and Social Welfare, PWK -SAPPK ITB, 28 October – 1 November 2015

The year of 2015 sees the convergence of three global policy frameworks: the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (March 2015), The Sustainable Development Goals SDGs (September 2015), and Climate Change Agreement COP 21 (December 2015). This represents an opportunity to emphasize the cross cutting themes, including the important of research and education across […]

Kunjungan tim Asesor Korean Architecture Accrediting Board / KAAB

Kunjungan tim Asesor Korean Architecture Accrediting Board / KAAB

Sejak hari Minggu sampai dengan hari Rabu (11-14 Okt) tim asesor dari Korean Architecture Accrediting Board / KAAB melakukan visitasi di Prodi Arsitektur ITB. Visitasi ini merupakan proses terakhir dalam permohonan perubahan status prodi magister arsitektur dari Substantially Equivalent ke Fully Accredited. Tim asesor 5 orang terdiri atas 3 professor + 2 arsitek profesional beserta […]

Wisuda Pertama Tahun Akademik 2015/2016

Wisuda Pertama Tahun Akademik 2015/2016

Wisuda Pertama Tahun Akademik 2015/2016 yang diagendakan pada tanggal 16 dan 17 Oktober 2015, ITB akan mewisuda sebanyak 2.396 wisudawan (1.522 Sarjana, 829 Magister, dan 45 Doktor), sebanyak 18.70% diantaranya memperoleh predikat yudisium Cum Laude. Jumlah Wisudawan dari Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan adalah 221 (9.22% dari total Wisudawan ITB) terdiri dari 135 Sarjana […]

10th World Bamboo Congress dan World Bamboo Fair Damyang Korea 2015

10th World Bamboo Congress dan World Bamboo Fair Damyang Korea 2015

WBC ke 10 diadakan di Damyang bersamaan World Bamboo Fair 2015. Tim ITB yaitu Dr. Budi Faisal dan Dr.-Ing. Andry Widyowijatnoko, Staf Pengajar SAPPK ITB diminta oleh Gubernur Damyang Choi Hyungsik menjadi arsitek dan kontraktor pembangunan Bamboo Pavilion dan Bamboo Geodesic Dome dengan diameter 10 m di arena World Bamboo Fair, dibantu Gustav Anandhita (Mahasiswa […]