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Urban Design Workshop ICE City-West Erfurt

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Urban Design Workshop ICE City-West Erfurt
International Interdisciplinary Workshop ITB-University of Applied Sciences/ Fachochschule Erfurt
Erfurt, 18-24 November 2017

Kegiatan Interdisciplinary Workshop ICE City West Erfurt di FH Erfurt,Jerman yang diikuti oleh total 50 mahasiswa (15 mahasiswa SAPPK-ITB serta 35 mahasiswa FH Erfurt dari program AR, AL, RK dan PL) telah berlangsung selama seminggu. Kegiatan dimulai sejak tgl 18 November hingga selesai tgl 24 November 2017. Acara Workshop dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor Quality and International Affairs (Prof. Stefan J. Landwehr) dan perwakilan Kantor Kerjasama International (Cornelia Witter) FH Efurt dan ditutup dengan acara presentasi akhir pada tanggal 24 November 2017. Kelompok mahasiswa SAPPK terdiri atas: 2 S2 AR, 2 S2 RK 2 S1 PWK 3 S2 AL dan 6 S1 AR dengan dosen pembimbing dari ITB Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo dan Ir. Budi Faisal, MAUD, MLA, Ph.D. Sedangkan staf dosen FH Erfurt berasal dari program studi Perencanaan Kota (Prof. Nikolai Roskamm, Prof. Gessa Königstein), Perencanaan Lanskap (Prof. Rolf Johanssen, Prof. Gert Bischoff), dan Arsitektur (Prof. Rolf Gruber). Pada workshop ini mahasiswa -yang terbagi dalam 7 kelompok- menyampaikan sejumlah  gagasan/ide pengembangan kawasan strategis di kota Erfurt yang hinga saat ini masih dalam kondisi  terlantar. Kegiatan ini merupakan kelanjutan kerja sama ITB dengan FHE sejak tahun 2005/2006. Direncanakan workshop interdisiplin ini akan menjadi agenda rutin di lingkungan SAPPK.

Terlampir pemberitaan dan apresiasi terhadap kegiatan Workshop Interdisiplin tersebut pada media masa online “Thuringer Allgemeine”  dan situs majalah “Focus Online”  serta situs FHE



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Luxury We Afford

Alex Weidt, Markus Rasilier, Nur Syakirin and Ivan Akbar (right) had the idea to manage the area ICE city West around the buildings. Photo: Michael Keller


At the University of Applied Sciences fifty German and Indonesian students spent a week working on visions for an ICE city Erfurt changes his face almost every day. It is demolished and built urban spaces pass away and arise. And then there are these urban spaces, right in front of everyone’s eyes, right in the heart of Erfurt, where time seems to have taken a breather. One such area is the former railway post office area between Bahnhofstrasse and Loberstrasse, along the Thomasstrasse. This is exactly where students from the University of Applied Sciences (FHE) and fellow students from Indonesia have now taken a look around and, in a one-week workshop, came up with ideas for splitting and using the area, the results of which were presented yesterday in Schlüterstrasse.

[New impulses through the view from the outside]

For eleven years the FHE and the Indonesian partner university Institut Teknologi cooperate in Bandung. The contacts go back to former FHE Chancellor Rudolf Tilly. And so you have been exchanging for many years. As in this week, as students of architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning and urban design, as it is called in Bandung, in seven international and interdisciplinary teams, I took a closer look at the Thomasstrasse area.

The workshop was titled ‘ICE City West’. What should become of it, what should remain, what should give way, what should arise, should old and new merge or is it only possible with radical solutions? The 50 students got all the freedom of thought, no requirements, only the neighboring ICE node should be mentally taken into account. “The area was ideal for the workshop,” says architecture professor Rolf Gruber. He points out: “It is not yet developed, its complexity suitable for many disciplines and is practical on the doorstep, so that far field trips were not necessary. Centrality has been the deciding factor for effective work. ”

The students had chosen the area at the ICE node from different polls. In the city planning office one looked first at the model and made then locally in the former railway post office your own picture during a thematic walk. Each of the seven groups should each have a find object – e.g. Bricks, moss – take them out of the area and use this suggestion to develop their own design ideas. A group brought along an old rusty bicycle bell as a food for thought and that eventually led, almost logically, to a bike-friendly project. “New impetus from the outside for potentials that would otherwise be forgotten” was hoped for by the international nature of the teams. said Gesa Königstein, Professor for landscape architecture.

The so-called ICE City is seen in the FHE as a small district in itself. “An attractive,  new,  successful piece of Erfurt”. that should be an asset to the city. Under this premise, the students approached the different approaches to the task. The seven ideas that were presented yesterday in a presentation ranged, for example, from a passenger system through the former railway post halls with adjoining courtyards and squares over residential buildings, a green bridge over the railway line to a kind of Stadtwald. which should surround the existing buildings. “We wanted to preserve the charm and character of the old halls and emphasize it with an intensive greening “, explains Alex Weidt The historic buildings were alternately designed for art, shopping, dining or as a home for start-up companies. There were quite provocative contributions presented, says Professor Gruber. But also feasible approaches. The beauty of such a workshop is that you can show visions of what might be. And detached from any requirements. “That’s the luxury we afford here,” says the archival expert, who praised the high level of workload of the students during the workshop.

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