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The Launch of International Joint Studio 2021

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The Launch of International Joint Studio 2021

The Dean of SAPPD ITB launched 7th International Joint Studio 2021: Understanding the Self Organised Cities in the Global South, hosted by Urban and Regional Planning Programs of SAPPD ITB, Monday, 22 February 2021. The studio has been running since 2015 and has been evolving progressively until current time. This year, the studio embraces wider cohort by welcoming 126 postgraduate and undergraduate students from 12 universities and 14 invited speakers from four continents, including Tongji Universsity, AAST Egypt, KU Leuven, ITS, Diponegoro University, Krisnadwipayana University, ITSB, Pakuan University, ITI, Bandung Islamic University, and Open University (UT).

International Joint Studio provides essential knowledge and skill utilised by planners and designers to create, research, analyse, and preparing spatial plans and design projects. The studio is the place for students to expand their academic and professional skills and to enrich student’s perspectives on different contexts of planning and design. Planning systems introduced and explored are those exercised in cities of developing countries including formal, informal and hybrid mechanisms that evolving in an urban environment.

This annual event is held virtually from 22 February-5 March 2021 with several lecture sessions are available on SAPPK website https://sappk.itb.ac.id/archives/24390 and SAPPK youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/sappkitb

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