In course of the Joint Collaborative Design Workshop ITB-University of Stuttgart-University of Melbourne, held at School of Architecture Planning and Policy Development (SAPPD) ITB from 27 September – 10 October 2019, all tutors and representatives from the university of Melbourne and the University of Stuttgart were cordially invited by Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo to a lunch meeting at his office. Associate Dean for Resource Dr. Sri Maryati, who participated in giving lecture on Water, Waste and Infrastruture, attended also the meeting and shared some additional materials related to her lecture. Several common issues and targets of the Post-Workshop were respectively discussed and formulated. Dr. Amanda Achmadi and Dr. Sidh Sintusingha (University of Melbourne) shared their views on the importance of dissemination of the project in the long run in form of a comprehensive publication on special issue, as a common goal, whereas Prof. Astrid Ley and Yassine Moustanjidi (University of Stuttgart) proposed ideas of a jointly-organised exhibition in Stuttgart, Germany. As discussed, exhibition as part of the dissemination can be held in Bandung, Stuttgart and Melbourne. Based on schedule events of 2020, ITB has been working on preparation of the 1st centennial commemoration of Higher Education in Engineering in Indonesia next March 2020. As proposed by Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo, preliminary exhibition, showcasing the temporary result of the fieldwork, could and must be integrated as part of the series of scheduled activities featuring the big celebration in March 2020. Dr. Budi Faisal as person in charge for the workshop will manage together with his ITB’s team and keep collaborating with the teams from Melbourne and Stuttgart.
Lunch Meeting on 4 October 2019 (left to right: Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo, Prof. Astrid Ley, Yassine Moustanjidi, Dr. Sidh Sintusingha, Dr. Budi Faisal and Dr. Amanda Achmadi)