Dr. Fath Nadizti, S.T., B.Be., M.Sc.
Kelompok Keahlian Sejarah, Teori, dan Kritik Arsitektur (STKA)
Curriculum Vitae | ITB’s Profile
Nadizti, F., Hanan, H., & Syamwil, I. B. (2021). Spatial Experience for Third Places in the Digital Era. In ARTEPOLIS 8-the 8th Biannual International Conference (ARTEPOLIS 2020) (pp. 131-136). Atlantis Press. |
Nadizti, F., Hanan, H. (2018). The Utilization of Urban Park Physical Elements in Adolescence Self-Presentation on Instagram. International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICRSSH). Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia. Jakarta, 20-21 November 2018. |
NADIZTI, F., & HARRIS, D. A. Practicing Endurance: Rethinking Urban Informality Practice On Dago-Car-Free Street, Bandung, Indonesia. |