The second Joint Studio Workshop, organised by School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development ITB and Melbourne School of Design, took place in Bandung from 3-11 Oct. 2016. With the title “Redefining of New Urban Space Bandung Technopolis, in Gedebage”, this workshop tries to problematise and explore more sustainable urban planning and design solutions for the future of the new Sub Centre in Bandung East.
Thanks to PT Summarecon Tbk, site visits, discussions with the representative of the developer and field observations of the surrounding areas had been conducted, and are the important part of the workshop. The planning and design workshop was attended by SAPPD students from urban design, landscape architecture programms. On the other the MSD students come from various programms as well, such as architecture, urban planning and urban design. The studio tutors/reviewers are Budi Faisal PhD, Dr. Gideon Aschwanden, Prof. H. Winarso, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Widjaja Martokusumo, Dr.-Ing. Heru Poerbo, Endang Triningsih, TMA Soelaiman, including students’s tutors Laras Primasari and Susan Krisansti. This workshop was held as implementation of academic cooperation between SAPPD ITB and MSD, the University of Melbourne. In the near future several schemes of academic engagement (joint research/ publication and faculty exchange) will be further developed to foster the very exciting cooperation between both institutions.