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Penjelasan Internasional Virtual Course

Program Summer Courses dirancang untuk melayani mahasiswa dan profesional yang ingin belajar di Kampus ITB. Selama pelaksanaan kegiatan akademik, peserta akan belajar dan bekerja bersama selama kurun waktu tertentu. Materi kuliah, tutorial, dan ekskursi akan disampaikan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan akademik disampaikan oleh staf pengajar ITB dan narasumber asing (seperti profesor dan peneliti dari universitas mitra, pakar yang bekerja di industri/pusat penelitian terkemuka, dll.). Hingga akhir tahun 2022, Program Summer Courses di ITB didukung oleh World Class University Program ITB.

Karena pandemi COVID-19, Program Summer Courses yang ditawarkan oleh ITB digantikan oleh International Virtual Courses. Sesuai dengan namanya, kegiatan akademik akan disampaikan secara virtual.

Bagi peserta yang berminat, pendaftaran untuk mengikuti International Virtual Courses ITB dapat dilakukan di sini. Tidak ada biaya pendaftaran untuk mengikuti kursus ini, namun perlu diperhatikan persyaratan untuk setiap perkuliahan, termasuk biaya kuliah untuk setiap mata kuliah.

Bagi calon pendaftar yang lamarannya disetujui, akan mendapatkan pemberitahuan sebagai mahasiswa nonreguler ITB untuk jangka waktu terbatas. Selama kegiatan akademik berlangsung, akan dilakukan penilaian dan peserta yang lulus akan diberikan transkrip akademik oleh ITB.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi tautan masing-masing mata kuliah yang ditawarkan di bawah ini

Program International Virtual Course

No. Code Program Faculty Study Program Coordinator Description
1. IVC24-106 Joint Studio: Revive Citarum River! SAPPK Landscape Architecture Ir. Endang Triningsih, M.S.P., M.L.A., Ph.D. Joint Studio: “Revive Citarum River!” addresses the challenge of Citarum River revitalization, both from ecological and social perspectives, particularly in the upstream Citarum River. Students are expected to conduct an extensive study to comprehensively identify the problems surrounding the study area in the context of urban landscape and planning challenges, and to explore the possible landscape planning solution towards the identified problems. The studio is a collaboration of SAPPK-ITB and CDE-NUS, and will be conducted at both institution with focus on study area around Cieunteung Retention Pond and Bojongsoang Oxbow, Baleendah, Bandung Regency.
2. IVC24-107 Small Island Planning SAPPK Regional and City Planning Bagas Dwipantara Putra Small Island Planning tahun 2024 mengambil tema ‘Island of Peace’. Pada Winter School ini, mahasiswa akan belajar dasar-dasar perencanaan pada sebuah pulau kecil dari para ahli di bidangnya.
3. IVC24-108 Parametric Bamboo for Post Disaster Reconstruction SAPPK Architecture Andry Widyowijatnoko Parametric Bamboo for post disaster reconstruction
4. IVC24-112 Parametric Bamboo for Post Disaster Reconstruction SAPPK Architecture Andry Widyowijatnoko The IVC 2024 Parametric Bamboo for Post-Disaster Reconstruction is based on a concept of reciprocal connection between bamboo materiality, structural systems, and the use of computational design tools. Knowledge and skills regarding these three topics will be used to design a bamboo-based structure for use as a shelter or post-disaster building. Topics on disaster mitigation and societal resilience toward disasters will also be provided as context for the designed bamboo structure. Computational design tools will serve as a bridge to optimize the structural, construction, and design aspects. Students will learn how computational design tools can quantitatively determine the most optimal design based on various considerations. Additionally, computational design will be used to connect the design and construction processes. The design process will be integrated with either manual or digital construction and fabrication methods.
5. IVC24-103 Beyond the Informal: Digital Transformation in Urban Kampungs SAPPK Regional and City Planning Ninik Suhartini, S.T., MURP, Ph.D. Beyond the Informal: Digital Transformation in Urban Kampungs elaborates processes of digital transformation in informal settlements in terms of planning, design and development. The studio will be conducted at SAPPK with hands-on experience in Kampung Lebak Siliwangi, Bandung. The studio is multi-collaboration of ITB, USYD, TU Dortmund, Monash University, and USM


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Kantor Direktorat Pendidikan ITB
Gedung CCAR ITB Lantai 4
Jalan Tamansari Nomor 64 Bandung 40116