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4 Tahun/8 Semester


Uang Kuliah Tunggal sesuai Peraturan ITB

Architecture Undergraduate Program is designed to equip graduates with fundamental knowledge and skills that prepare them to enter professional practice in the field of design, production and management of the built environment and/or to pursue advanced architectural training and education.

Intake period :
in every August

Intake cohort(s) :
SNBP, SNBT, Seleksi Mandiri-ITB, Jalur Internasional

Study duration :
4 years

Total CU :
minimum of 216 ECTS

Campus :

Advantages and Job Prospects

Internationally accredited (KAAB) and Excellent from national accreditation (BAN-PT).

National and international accreditation is a reflection of the quality of learning that is applied in producing competent graduate architects.

Qualified teaching staff and alumni

We have competent teachers, some of whom are qualified architects in their fields, including alumni who are spread as professionals in the private sector, BUMN, government agencies.

Wide Job Prospects

Job opportunities for graduates in the architecture sector and construction industry are very broad. Starting from architects (after fulfilling the minimum educational requirements of 5 years, internships and passing the Competency Test), practitioners in the development sector and construction industry, as well as the rapidly growing creative industry sector today.

Program Objectives


Prepare graduates who are ready to become assistant beginning architects


Prepare graduates who are ready to pursue further education at the Master of Professional Architecture level or other fields.


Prepare graduates who are able to solve local problems with global insights in a collaborative, cross-disciplinary, integrated and cutting-edge technology-based manner in architectural design and the built environment.



Pengetahuan dasar dan prinsipil.

Semester 1

Mata Kuliah Wajib:
Matematika IA (4)
Fisika IB (3)
Kimia B (4)
Dasar-dasar Perencanaan dan Perancangan (3)
Pengenalan Komputasi (3)

Semester 2

Mata Kuliah Wajib:
Matematika II A (4)
Fisika IIB (3)
Olahraga (2)
Teknik Komunikasi dan Presentasi (3)
Pengantar Rekayasa dan Desain (3)
Bahasa Inggris (2)
Tata Tulis Ilmiah (2)


Pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar perancangan arsitektur

Semester 3

Mata Kuliah Wajib:
Studio Perancangan Arsitektur I (6 sks)
Workshop Perancangan Struktur dan Konstruksi I (3 sks)
Teori dan Metode Perancangan Arsitektur (3 sks)
Sejarah dan Tradisi Arsitektur Indonesia (3 sks)

Semester 4

Mata Kuliah Wajib:
Studio Perancangan Arsitektur II (6 sks)
Workshop Komputasi dan Algoritma Arsitektur (3 sks)
Workshop Perancangan Struktur dan Konstruksi 2 (3 sks)
Sejarah dan Tradisi Arsitektur Dunia (3 sks)


Melatih perancangan dengan isu-isu perancangan, teknologi, sosial, dan budaya.

Semester 5

Mata Kuliah Wajib:
Studio Perancangan Arsitektur III (6 sks)
Workshop Perencanaan dan Perancangan Tapak (3 sks)
Workshop Sistem Bangunan Berkelanjutan (3 sks)
Masyarakat dan Perumahan (3 sks)

Semester 6

Mata Kuliah Wajib:
Studio Perancangan Arsitektur IV (6 sks)
Kerja Praktek (3 sks)
Permukiman Berkelanjutan (3 sks)


Perancangan arsitektur secara komprehensif dan multi-dimensi

Semester 7

Mata Kuliah Wajib:
Studio Perancangan Arsitektur V (6 sks)
Persiapan Tugas Akhir (3 sks)
Arsitektur Kota (3 sks)
Manajemen Proyek (3 sks)

Semester 8

Mata Kuliah Wajib:
Tugas Akhir (8 sks)
Agama dan Etika (2 sks)
Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (2 sks)
Teori dan Kritik Arsitektur (3 sks)

(Seluruh beban masing-masing mata kuliah sebesar 3 SKS)

  1. Pengantar BIM dalam Arsitektur
  2. Budaya Visual dalam Arsitektur
  3. Dokumentasi Arsitektur Bersejarah
  4. Apresiasi Seni dan Desain
  5. Field Lecture
  6. Topik Khusus (Tingkat 2)
  7. Analisis Pendekatan Perancangan/Bedah Karya Arsitektur
  8. Arsitektur Kontemporer
  9. Pendekatan Perilaku dalam Desain Arsitektur
  10. Topik Khusus (Tingkat 3)
  11. Prinsip Dasar Arsitektur Lanskap
  12. Arsitektur Hijau
  13. Arsitektur Kolonial
  14. Tipomorfologi Perumahan dan Permukiman
  15. Metode Generatif dan Optimasi dalam Proses Desain
  16. Pengantar Penelitian Arsitektur
  17. Arsitektur Modular dan Pabrikasi
  18. Arsitektur Islam
  19. Ekonomi Bangunan
  20. Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)
  21. Placemaking dan Eksperimen Sosial
  22. Arsitektur Utopia
  23. Digital Fabrikasi
  24. Permukiman Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah
  25. Pelestarian Arsitektur Bersejarah
  26. Topik Khusus (Tingkat 4)
  27. Arsitektur Tanggap Bencana
  28. Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Perencanaan dan Perancangan Perumahan
  29. Perumahan yang Terpadu
  30. Seminar Penelitian


  1. Prosedur Studio dan Workshop
  2. Prosedur Perkuliahan
  3. Prosedur Pengumpulan Tugas
  4. Prosedur Ujian
  5. Prosedur Penggunaan Laser Cut


  1. Template Laser Cut
  2. Template Gambar (KOP) untuk semua gambar kecuali AR-4099 (Tugas Akhir) dan Studio Desain S2
  3. Template Gambar (KOP) AR-4099 (Tugas Akhir)


Standar Penggambaran; berisi standar- standar, jenis kandungan informasi dan lainnya yang dijadikan acuan dalam tugas- tugas studio dan workshop. Standar ini terdiri dari:

  1. Standar informasi pada gambar
  2. Standar penggambaran CAD


Manual Kesehatan, Keselamatan Bangunan; berisi standar- standar berkaitan dengan bangunan sehat, keamanan terhadap kebakaran, barrier-free design, sarana penyelamatan. Manual ini terdiri dari

  1. Manual Desain Sistem Keamanan Pada Bangunan
  2. Manual Sarana Penyelamatan Jiwa Pada Bangunan
  3. Manual Desain Bangunan Sehat
  4. Manual Desain Bangunan Inklusif


159 - 5 Achievement PWK

Career Opportunity

Graduates with a Bachelor of Architecture (S.Ars) degree are qualified to work as architectural staff in architectural design firms or consultants, contractors, or developers. Bachelor of Architecture graduates can also become professional architects by continuing their education through the Professional Program for Architects (PPAr) or Master of Architecture in Design Flow and then following the apprenticeship process and competency tests conducted by the Indonesian Architectural Council to obtain an Architect Registration Certificate.

Apart from being architects, architecture graduates can also take part in the government sector. In addition, currently, the field of work in the creative industry is also very open for graduates of Architecture, the knowledge gained during the lecture process can be applied in various fields in the creative industry.

Professional Membership

Architecture graduates are eligible to become members of the ITB Alumni Association (Ikatan Alumni/ IA ITB) and apply for membership of the Indonesian Architect Association (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia / IAI).

Co- and Extra-Curricular


Student Affairs

There are some regular programs which are selected as a part of co-curricular activities whereas students involve and develop their soft skills including: leadership, teamwork, empathy and initiative, real-world problem solving, and more. The program is designed to be multi-disciplinary and involves various parties as well as the Student Association, Architecture Student Association - Gunadharma ( Ikatan Mahasiswa Arsitektur – Gunadharma / IMA-G).

IMA-G also regularly organizes extracurricular activities such as discussions, seminars, workshops and other interesting and useful activities.



Merdeka Belajar and Outside Experience

Apart from the compulsory course: Practical Work, in the framework of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program, Bachelor of Architecture students have the opportunity to participate in various program offers both in the nature of student exchanges (domestic and foreign), as well as activities outside the study program, for example:

  1. IISMA Program(Indonesian Student Mobility Awards) and OSE(Outbound Semester Exchange)program for abroad student exchanges.
  2. Merdeka Exchange Program (Program Pertukaran Merdeka / PPM) for domestic student exchange.
  3. Thematic KKN coordinated by the Directorate of Student Affairs.
  4. Internship Program in Industry.
  5. And several other programs.




As an ITB student, there are several scholarship schemes that can be applied for, of course, with conditions that are generally related to economics and academic performance. Students can apply for scholarships managed by Directorate of Student Affairs ITB.

Please contact the Directorate of Student Affairs for more information.

In addition to scholarships, ITB also has a UKT financing relief scheme through an installment payment scheme. Please follow the latest information from the Directorate of Student Affairs of ITB through social media channels: Instagram @ditmawa.itb

Head of Study Program


Head of the Architecture Undergraduate Program:
Dr.-Ing. Andry Widyowijatnoko, S.T., M.T. 


Program Studi Sarjana Arsitektur
Gedung Laboratorium Teknik (Labtek) IX-B
Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(022) 2504625 (p)
