SAPPK provides flexible study opportunities while still working and able to increase knowledge and abilities in the context of future job challenges. The activity is packaged in the form of lectures for the Non-Regular and Non-Degree Seventh Masters Study Program at SAPPK in the second semester of 2021-2022 which will open several courses for the public who have registered.
Non-Regular and Non-Degree program lectures from SAPPK can increase knowledge and technological insight.
This program can also be a Pre-Master's Program. Participants who take part in this program and continue to complete it until they graduate, can take a maximum of 12 credits of lectures in the regular class at ITB, without having to be a regular student at ITB.

The courses opened for the Non-Regular-Non-Degree Program in semester II 2021-2022 are some of the seven (7) Masters Programs in SAPPK, all of which have been accredited at least A from BAN-PT.
In principle, the courses that are opened are regular courses that are open to the public. Lectures in the second semester of 2021-2022 are carried out online or mixed.
Further information regarding course details, quotas, requirements, fees and others can be found at: https://admission.itb.ac.id/home/program-non-reguler.

Registration for Non-Regular-Non Degree Programs is carried out centrally at ITB via the following link: https://admission.itb.ac.id/home/program-non-reguler
Currently, ITB opens the acceptance of Non-Regular and Non-Degree ITB program participants for the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, starting on 3 – 31 Desember 2021.
Questions related to courses, syllabus and activities can be submitted to:
School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPD)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Gedung Labtek IX-A Sugijanto Soegijoko Lantai II,
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Kota Bandung Kode Pos 40123, Indonesia
Telephone : (022) 2504625
Fax : (022) 2500046
Email: dekan@sappk.itb.ac.id; wd_akademik@sappk.itb.ac.id