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Students of the Development Studies Program are taught to think critically, equipped with analytical and modeling skills, and trained to develop strategies with a futuristic orientation. Students are exposed to development issues from many perspectives and are trained to formulate strategies that:
realistic and ethical. Through class discussions and thesis supervision, students are guided to synthesize multidisciplinary sciences in order to answer developmental problems faced in their work environment.

Intake period :
in every August and January

Intake cohort(s) :
ITB Graduate Students Selection

Study duration :
2 years

Total CU :
minimum of 54 ECTS

Campus :

Advantages and Job Prospects

Accredited A by the national accreditation institution (BAN-PT)

National accreditation reflects the quality of learning being carried out.

Qualified teaching staff and alumni

We have lecturers who are competent and qualified in their fields, including alumni who are spread across government agencies, international institutions, and private sector.

Wide Job Prospects

Graduates of this program can develop careers in government institutions, consultancy and research in the field of development on a regional, national and global scale, as lecturers in D4 or S1 development study programs.

Program Objectives


Menempatkan aspek ipteks secara setara dan terpadu dengan aspek ekonomik, sosial dan lingkungan.


Combines a prescriptive-engineering approach and a descriptive-exploratory approach;


Emphasizing and exploring the unique conditions of Indonesian bio-geo-oseonography; and Promoting national sovereignty in inter-state cooperation.

Struktur Kurikulum 2024

Semester 1

Praktik Pembangunan dan isu Global (3)
Etika dalam Pembangunan (3)
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 1 (3)
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 2 (3)
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 3 (3)
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 4 (3)

Total : 18 SKS

Semester 2

Inovasi Sistem dan Pembangunan (4)
Metodologi Penelitian (3)
Analisis dan Evaluasi Kebijakan Publik (3)
Literasi Digital, AI dan Etika Akademik (2)
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 5 (3)
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 6 (3)

Total : 18 SKS 

Semester 3

Studio Kebijakan Pembangunan (6)
Tesis I (4)

Total : 10 SKS

Semester 4

Tesis II (6)
Sidang Magister (2)

Total : 8 SKS

Kode MK Courses SKS
Kelompok Sains Kebijakan Pembangunan
SP5102 Ekonomi Pembangunan 3
SP5106 Pembiayaan Sektor Publik 3
SP6015 Metode Kuantitatif untuk Kebijakan Publik 3
SP6016 Metode Kualitatif untuk Kebijakan Publik 3
SP6019 Proses Kebijakan Publik 3
Kelompok Inovasi Pembangunan
SP6011 Teori dan Metode untuk Kajian Sosioteknis 3
SP5011 Teknologi dan Transformasi Sosial 3
SP6016 Metode Kualitatif untuk Kebijakan Publik 3
SP6018 Topik Khusus Studi Pembangunan 3
Kode MK Courses SKS
Kelompok Pembangunan Berkelanjutan
SP5104 Tata Kelola Lingkungan 3
SP6014 Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 3
SP6013 Sistem Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir dan Laut 3
SP6018 Topik Khusus Studi Pembangunan 3
SP6020 Pembangunan Pulau Kecil 3
Konsentrasi Pembangunan Komunitas untuk Transformasi Sosial
SP5201 Tata Kelola Publik dan Demokrasi 3
SP6007 Manajemen Proyek Pembangunan Komunitas 3
SP6017 Pemberdayaan Komunitas untuk Transformasi Sosial 3
SP6018 Topik Khusus Studi Pembangunan 3



Career Opportunity

More than 400 alumni of the program currently occupy important positions in the public and private sectors. Some of its graduates have pursued Doctoral programs in fields related to development studies such as government studies, science and technology policies, social change, economy, and the environment, at home and abroad.

Professional Membership

So far, there are no specific professional associations available for program alumni to apply to. However, they may be eligible to become members of the ITB Alumni Association (ITB Alumni Association/IA ITB).

Co- and Extra-Curricular


Field Lecture

Several regular programs are designated to be part of co & extracurricular activities for master students where students engage and develop their soft skills, including: leadership, teamwork, empathy and initiative, real world problem solving and others. This program is designed to be multi-disciplinary and involves various parties.

Some of the regular programs:

  1. Summer Camp
  2. Summer school
  3. International Join Studio
  4. Join workshop

Anggota fakultas juga menawarkan kesempatan kepada Mahasiswa Magister untuk menjadi Teaching Assistant (TA) atau Research Assistant (RA) dengan syarat dan ketentuan tertentu.

Scholarships and Fee Waivers

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Skema Beasiswa

Sebagai mahasiswa ITB, ada beberapa skema beasiswa yang dapat diajukan, tentunya dengan ketentuan yang pada umumnya terkait dengan ekonomi dan kinerja akademik. Mahasiswa dapat mengajukan beasiswa yang dikelola oleh Direktorat Kemahasiswaan ITB. Salah satunya adalah Ganesha Talent Assistantship (GTA). Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut terkait GTA beserta syarat dan ketentuannya, silakan kunjungi laman https://sagata.itb.ac.id/

Head of Study Program


Head of Master in Development Studies
Dr. Drs. Suhirman, SH., M.T.


Program Studi Magister Studi Pembangunan
Gedung CRCS Lantai 2
Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
+62 812-2178-5106 (p)
spitb@sp.itb.ac.id (e)
www.pmsp.itb.ac.id (w)
