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The master's program in urban and regional planning (MPURP) was established in 1982 in collaboration with the Development Planning Unit, University College London. The MPURP aims to provide knowledge and skills as well as realize attitudes in three ways, namely a comprehensive mindset and rational insight, the ability to think strategically and analytically to get the best alternatives, and the ability to formulate alternative solutions to the development problems that are technically and morally accountable and agreed upon by many parties. To achieve these objectives, the target of this study program is to prepare planners with academic and professional qualifications. Graduates of this program are expected to become professionals, practitioners, and researchers who have specific knowledge in the field of urban and regional planning.

Intake period :
in every August and January

Intake cohort(s) :
ITB Graduate Students Selection

Study duration :
2 years

Total CU :
Minimal 54 SKS

Campus :

Advantages and Job Prospects

Accredited A by the national accreditation institution (BAN-PT)

National accreditation reflects the quality of learning being carried out.

Qualified teaching staff and alumni

We have lecturers who are competent and qualified in their fields, including alumni who are spread across government agencies, international institutions, and private sector.

Wide Job Prospects

Gradutes of this study program should be able develop career path in government institutions, consultancy and research in the field of URP on a regional, national and global scale.

Program Objectives


Graduates capable of developing substantive and anticipatory planning processes for current and future needs and challenges


Graduates capable of leading a team of professional planners, in governmental or non-governmental organizations and encouraging policy reform processes in the implementation of urban and regional planning.


Graduates capable of conducting and disseminate research and community service in the urban and regional planning field.


Graduates with the ability to continue their studies to the doctoral level both at home and abroad.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Master the theory and ethics of sustainable urban and regional planning and development.
  • Master the theories and methods in processes and substances in the field of urban and regional planning and development.
  • Able to apply and critically communicate theories, systems, processes, and methods to solve urban and regional planning and development problems by considering spatial, economic, socio-cultural, environmental, infrastructure, technological and institutional factors.
  • Able to conduct research in the specialized field of urban and regional planning and development.

Struktur Kurikulum 2024

Creativity Based Regional Development (x FSRD)

Semester 1

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL5123 Contemporary Regional Development 3
PL5108 Planning Theory 3
DS…. Teori Desain I 3
PL6125 Regional Modelling 4 2
MK Pilihan Bebas 3
PS5003 Literasi Digital dan Etika Akademik 2
Total 18 2

Semester 2

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL6209 Planning Thematic Studio 6 3
PL5208 Research Methodology 3
PL5122 Environment and Sustainability 3
PL6123 Rural Transformation 3
DS…. Pengembangan Komunitas & Industri Kreatif 3
Total 18 3

Semester 3

Kode MK Courses SKS P
DS…. Sejarah Sosial Desain 3
DS…. Desain dan Kebudayaan I 3
Total 6

Semester 4

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL6091 Thesis 7
PL6092 Sidang Magister 2
DS…. Inovasi Desain 3
Total 12

Semester 1

Kode MK Courses SKS P
DS…. Teori Desain I 3
DS…. Manajemen Informasi Penelitian 3
DS…. Sejarah Sosial Desain 3
PS5003 Literasi Digital, AI & Etika Akademik 2
DS…. Ujian Proyek Akhir 1
PL6245 Public Policy Analysis 4 2
Total 19 2

Semester 2

Kode MK Courses SKS P
DS…. Desain Berkelanjutan 3
DS…. Desain dan Faktor Manusia 3
DS…. Metoda Penelitian Desain 3
DS…. Ujian Proposal Proyek Akhir 1
PL6123 System Design and Infrastructure 4.0 3
PL5122 Environment and Sustainability 3
Total 16

Semester 3

Kode MK Courses SKS P
DS…. Kajian Proyek Desain/Kriya 4
DS…. Berfikir Desan dan Inovasi 3
DS ….. Seminar (Teori danMetodologi) 2
PL5123 Contemporary Regional Development 2
Total 12

Semester 4

Kode MK Courses SKS P
DS…. Proyek Akhir Desain/Kriya 4
DS…. Sidang Proyek Akhir Desain / Kriya 3
Total 7
Kode MK Courses SKS
Isu Kontemporer Global dan Lokal
PL5001 Science and Geo-Information Modeling 3
PL5002 Earth Observation for Planning 3
PL5003 Topik Kontemporer dalam Perencanaan 3
PL5004 Spatial Economics 3
PL6008 Data Integration for Planning 3
PL6009 International Studio on Planning and Design in Global South 4
PL6021 Coastal and Marine Development 3
PL6022 Regional Urbanization 3
PL5206 Development Institution 3
Kode MK Courses SKS
Riset pada Bidang Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
PL5005 Research Paper Writing 3
PL5071 Planning Research Ideas 3
PL6071 Magang Riset Perencanaan 3
PL6073 Planning Research Progress 3
PL5072 Studi Mandiri I 3
PL6074 Studi Mandiri II 4
PL5075 Pengelolaan Riset Perencanaan 3
PL5076 Presentasi pada Konferensi Ilmiah 3
PL6075 Publikasi pada Jurnal Internasional 3
Penunjang Profesional Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
PL5077 Kompetisi/Sayembara Perencanaan 3
PL5073 Pengalaman Proyek Profesional Perencanaan 3
PL5074 Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Perencanaan 3

Smart X (x STEI)

Semester 1

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL5108 Planning Theory 3
PL5162 Computational Thinking and Data Science 3
PL5163 Concept of Innovation System and Smart Cities 3
PS5003 Literasi Digital dan Etika Akademik 2
IF5132 Keberlanjutan Sistem Informasi 3
IF5131 Pendekatan Sistem 2
Total 16

Semester 2

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL5207 Research Methodology 3
PL6265 Urban Analytics 4 2
PL6209 Planning Thematic Studio 6 3
IF5230 Aplikasi Inteligensi Buatan untuk Enterprise 3
EL5057 Sistem Pengindraan 2
MK Pilihan Bebas 3
Total 19 5

Semester 3

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL6163 System Design and Infrastructure 4.0 3
IF5130 Strategi Digital 2
MK Pilihan Bebas 3
Total 8

Semester 4

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL6091 Thesis 7
PL6092 Sidang Magister 2
Desain dan Faktor Manusia II 2
Total 11

Semester 1

Kode MK Courses SKS P
IF5100 Pemrograman untuk Data Analitik 3
IF5130 Strategi Digital 2
IF5131 Pendekatan Sistem 2
IF5132 Keberlanjutan Sistem Informasi 3
MK Pilihan Bebas 10
Total 18

Semester 2

Kode MK Courses SKS P
IF5099 Research Methodology 3
IF5200 Proyek Penelitian Terapan 3
IF5230 Aplikasi Inteligensi Buatan untuk Enterprise 3
EL5057 Sistem Pengindraan 2
PS5003 Literasi Digital dan Etika Akademik 2
Total 13

Semester 3

Kode MK Courses SKS P
IF6130 Tata Pamong Data 2
IF6099 Thesis 6
PL5111 Urban Development Planning 3
PL6212 Urban Facilities Planning 3
Total 14

Semester 4

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL6213 Land and Housing Development 4 2
PL6214 Urban Development Control 3
DS6208 Desain dan Faktor Manusia II 2
Total 9 2
Kode MK Courses SKS
Isu Kontemporer Global dan Lokal
PL5001 Science and Geo-Information Modeling 3
PL5002 Earth Observation for Planning 3
PL5003 Topik Kontemporer dalam Perencanaan 3
PL5004 Spatial Economics 3
PL6008 Data Integration for Planning 3
PL6009 International Studio on Planning and Design in Global South 4
PL6021 Coastal and Marine Development 3
PL6022 Regional Urbanization 3
PL5206 Development Institution 3
Kode MK Courses SKS
Riset pada Bidang Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
PL5005 Research Paper Writing 3
PL5071 Planning Research Ideas 3
PL6071 Magang Riset Perencanaan 3
PL6073 Planning Research Progress 3
PL5072 Studi Mandiri I 3
PL6074 Studi Mandiri II 4
PL5075 Pengelolaan Riset Perencanaan 3
PL5076 Presentasi pada Konferensi Ilmiah 3
PL6075 Publikasi pada Jurnal Internasional 3
Penunjang Profesional Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
PL5077 Kompetisi/Sayembara Perencanaan 3
PL5073 Pengalaman Proyek Profesional Perencanaan 3
PL5074 Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Perencanaan 3

Kebencanaan (x FTSL dan FITB)

Semester 1

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL5108 Planning Theory 3
PL5152 Disaster Mitigation Planning Disaster Management and Adaptation to Climate Change 3
PL6165 Teknologi Informasi dan GeoSpasial dalam Mitigasi Bencana 4 2
PS5003 Literasi Digital dan AI 2
GD… 3
OS… 3
Total 18 2

Semester 2

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL5208 Research Methodology 3
PL6243 Adaptasi dan Mitigasi Bencana berbassis Komunitas 3
PL6209 Planning Thematic Studio 6 3
GD Sistem Pengamatan Risiko Bencana 3
OS 3
Total 18 3

Semester 3

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL6153 Kebijakan Mitigasi Bencana dan Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim 3
Total 6

Semester 4

Kode MK Courses SKS P
PL6091 Thesis 7
PL6092 Sidang Magister 2
Total 12
Kode MK Courses SKS
Isu Kontemporer Global dan Lokal
PL5001 Science and Geo-Information Modeling 3
PL5002 Earth Observation for Planning 3
PL5003 Topik Kontemporer dalam Perencanaan 3
PL5004 Spatial Economics 3
PL6008 Data Integration for Planning 3
PL6009 International Studio on Planning and Design in Global South 4
PL6021 Coastal and Marine Development 3
PL6022 Regional Urbanization 3
PL5206 Development Institution 3
Kode MK Courses SKS
Riset pada Bidang Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
PL5005 Research Paper Writing 3
PL5071 Planning Research Ideas 3
PL6071 Magang Riset Perencanaan 3
PL6073 Planning Research Progress 3
PL5072 Studi Mandiri I 3
PL6074 Studi Mandiri II 4
PL5075 Pengelolaan Riset Perencanaan 3
PL5076 Presentasi pada Konferensi Ilmiah 3
PL6075 Publikasi pada Jurnal Internasional 3
Penunjang Profesional Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
PL5077 Kompetisi/Sayembara Perencanaan 3
PL5073 Pengalaman Proyek Profesional Perencanaan 3
PL5074 Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Perencanaan 3



Career Opportunity

Graduates with a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning (MPWK) are qualified to work in local and regional councils, as well as in development agencies in public and private sectors.

Professional Membership

Graduates of this degree are eligible to become member of ITB Alumni Association (IA ITB) and apply for membership to the Indonesian Planners Association (Ikatan Ahli Perencana Indonesia).

Co- and Extra-Curricular


Student Affairs

There are some regular programs which are selected as a part of co and extra-curricular activities whereas students are involved and develop their soft skills, including leadership, teamwork, emphaty and initiative attitude, problem solving, and many more. These programs are designed with a multidisciplinary concept which involves multiple stakeholders including Student Association of UPURP (HMP Pangriptaloka).

Some of the regular programs:

  1. Summer Camp
  2. Summer school
  3. International Join Studio
  4. Join workshop

The Faculty also offers students the opportunity to be a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant if they comply with several terms and conditions.

Scholarships and Fee Waivers


Skema Beasiswa

As an ITB graduate student, there are several scholarship schemes that can be applied for, through consideration of various provisions related to economic state and academic performance. Graduate students may apply for scholarships from ITB Graduate School (https://sps.itb.ac.id/), Student Parents Association (IOM), or from other institutions.

Scholarship informations from ITB Graduate School through Ganesha Talent Assistantship (GAT) scheme can be accessed at (https://sagata.itb.ac.id/)”

Head of Study Program



Program Studi Magister PWK
Gedung Sugijanto Soegijoko- Laboratorium Teknik (Labtek) IX-A
Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(022) 2504625 (p)
(022) 2500046 (f)
www.admission.itb.ac.id (w)