To facilitate the design and planning studio, SAPPK has studio spaces specifically for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Common facilities available in each studio are sets of tables and chairs, whiteboards, pin boards, projectors, shelves. All facilities provided in the room are intended for supports students to work individually or in groups for one semester as well as having discussion sessions with mentors or studio instructors.
Lecture Room & Classroom
Most of SAPPK's academic programs are concentrated in Labtek IX-A Soegijanto Sugijoko Building and Labtek IX-B Architecture Building, each with six floors. Facilities to accommodate lecture activities include large lecture halls and multipurpose rooms, seminar rooms, and classrooms.
In addition to lecture halls and classrooms, SAPPK has a 200-seat gallery to accommodate exhibitions, guest lecturers and seminars. The gallery is located on the ground floor of the Labtek-IXB Architecture building.
To support lecture activity bauran(hybrid), The Labtek IX-A and Labtek IX-B buildings provide several classrooms that are equipped with internet and multimedia facilities. These rooms have a maximum capacity of 50% of normal capacity, and are equipped with a big screen television or projector, microphones and speakers, as well as an internet connection. webcam.
Architecture Study Program and Urban and Regional Planning Study Program each have library located in the building Labtek IX-A and Labtek IX-B. Both libraries are accessible to all students. The library has more than 20.000 The collection includes textbooks, journals, reports, government publications, and statistical reports related to Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Design, Transportation.
The Master of Development Studies Program and the Master of Tourism Planning Program have a library in the CRCS ITB building (Center for Research and Community Services), while the Master of Landscape Architecture Program has a library in building D on the ITB Jatinangor campus.
The library collection list has been computerized so that the information can be accessed by students and other visitors. The digital catalog is available at http://webpac.lib.itb.ac.id/ , The library is integrated with the ITB Central Library.
The Urban and Regional Planning Program publishes a national journal entitled Journal of Urban and Regional Planning. The following is a list of national and international journals related to architecture, planning, and policy development that can be accessed by all faculty staff and students. Electronic journals are available online at https://lib.itb.ac.id/e-journal.
Besides the Library, students can also access ITB Central Library. The Central Library building has 5 floors (4 active floors and 1 basement floor). All students can access all collections in this library. Information about the central library can be accessed at https://lib.itb.ac.id/ while the digital catalog is available at http://webpac.lib.itb.ac.id/.
Computer Lab
The computer laboratories are located in Labtek IX-A and Labtek IX-B buildings. The computer laboratory in Labtek IX-A is known as Laboratory for Spatial Computing and Analysis (LabSCAN). Memiliki kapasitas 25 PC yang terletak di lantai 5 Gedung Sugijanto Soegijoko- Labtek IX-A. Terdapat juga peralatan untuk penelitian lapangan seperti :
- 2 Unit Proyektor
- 3 Unit Drone
- 5 Unit GPS
Labtek Building IX-B has a computer lab 36 PC capacity located on the 6th floor of Labtek IXB-Architecture Building to facilitate academic activities for architecture program students.
Students use the computer lab for courses or classes that require practicum with software, such as statistics, planning methods, design and presentation, computational modeling and simulation and geographic information systems.
SAPPK has several software license used in the computer lab. such as:
- AutoCAD
- Autodesk Revit
- Rhinoceros 6, 7
- SketchUp Studio
- Solemma ClimateStudio
- ArcGIS
- Adobe Creative Suite
- EnviMet
- and some other software
Some other software that can be utilized by students is provided by the Directorate of Technology and Information Systems (DITSTI) ITB.
In addition to lectures and practicum activities, each computer lab is gradually accommodating online teaching activities, including in conducting mid- and end-of-semester examinations for students.
Computer Lab. can be used by all students to do academic tasks.
Digital Fabrication Lab
Digital Fabrication Laboratory is located in the Labtek IX-B Architecture building to facilitate computational methods-based modeling. This lab has one Laser Cutter, three Printer 3D with ABS and PLA materials, two flatbed CNC router, one desktop CNC router, and the robot arm (robotic arm) to facilitate the creation of mockups and 3D models.
Lab is open to all students with ordering procedures. Introduction and safety induction for students is prepared for new undergraduate and graduate architecture students in the new semester.
Metropolitan Center
Metropolitan Center merupakan sebuah Pusat Studi dibawah SAPPK ITB yang fokus dalam dalam kajian pengembangan metropolitan.
Beberapa kegiatan Metropolitan Centre:
– Survey dan pengukuran ruang untuk Pusat Metropolitan
– Spesialisasi studi ruang Metropolitan berbasis Informasi Teknologi
– Sebagai Hub Informasi Teknologi Studi Metropolitan
Terdapat perlengkapan yang berfungsi untuk menunjang kegiatan di Metropolitan Center, peralatan tersebut adalah :
- 12 Unit Videowall
- 2 Unit Komputer Operator
- 1 Unit Smartboard
- 1 Uniet Smart Table
- 2 Unit Webcam
- 2 Unit Tablet Komputer