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Housing & Settlement

06. Pengmas_Pembahasan Kota Tanpa Kumuh Jawa Barat

Housing and Settlement Research Group is the pioneer in the development of research and studies about housing and settlement as an independent knowledge to answer the issue and problem of developing country like
As the vision and mission of the department, Housing and Settlement Research Group currently is developing an applied knowledge which concerned with:

  1. Housing and settlement development planning and design
    process in urban and rural context,
  2. Formulization of built environment and settlement development policy based on community in scale of urban and rural. There are four aspect of research in this research group;
  3. Morphology or transformation of dwelling process,
  4. Housing construction process and inhabitability appropriateness,
  5.  Environmental impact of settlement,
  6. Demands, need, and preference of settlement environment



Agustinus Adib Abadi

Associate Professor
Ir. (ITB), MSc. (UCL), Dr. (ITB).
Architectural design; housing planning and design


Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi

Associate Professor
Ir. (ITB), MES. (York), Ph.D. (Sheffield).
Housing and settlement; tourism studies and planning; built environment and traditional communities


Allis Nurdini.

Assistant Professor ST. MT. Dr. (ITB).
Housing need and demand analysis; housing typomorphology; research methodology for housing and settlement


Mohammad Jehansyah Siregar

Assistant Professor
ST., MT. (ITB), Ph.D. (Tokyo).
Housing and settlement


Tri Yuwono

Ir., MT. (ITB).
Building technology



ST., MT., Dr. (ITB)
Human settlement and environmental psychology


Sri Suryani

ST (ITB), M.Sc (UCL), Ph.D. (Sheffield)
Participatory design & river dwelling


Dibya Kusyala

ST., MT. (ITB)
Building System, Structure and Construction



Allis Nurdini dan tim
Penyusunan Rencana Tapak Desa Wisata di Sukawijaya Kabupaten Bekasi, PPMI ITB
Agustinus Adib A, Tri Yuwono, dan Tim
Peta Masalah Ketejangkauan Perumahan yang Layak Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Menengah ke Bawah di Perkotaan di Indonesia, PPMI ITB
Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi dan Tim
Transformasi Permukiman, Lanskap dan Pariwisata di Desa Cihideung, Jawa Barat, Ditinjau dari Aspek Livabilitas (Tre Transformation of Settlement, Landscape and Tourism in Cihideung Village, West Java, Viewed From Livability Aspects, Program Riset ITB

Agustinus Adib Abadi, Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D; Adhitya Rizky Isnandya, ST., M.Sc.
The Urban Growth and Neighborhood Changes in Indonesian Urban Settlement, P3MI ITB.
Allis Nurdini, ST., MT., Dr.; Amelia Tri Widya, ST.; Mutia Ayu Cahyaningtyas, ST.
Preferensi Tipologi Hunian Berkepadatan Tinggi dan Implikasi Terhadap Proses Redevelopment Permukiman, P3MI ITB.
Indra Budiman Syamwil, Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D; Romi Bramantyo Margono, ST., M.Sc
Mobilitas dan Aksesibilitas Komuter Disekitar Stasiun Cikarang: Survey Perilaku Inti Kota, P3MI ITB.
Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi, Ir., MS., Ph.D; Bramanti Kusuma Nagari, ST., M.Sc.
Transformasi Morfologi Perumahan Permukiman Sekitar Daya Tarik Wisata di Peri Urban Bandung, P3MI ITB.
Tri Yuwono, Ir., MT.; Adhitya Rizky Isnandya, ST., M.Sc.; Agara Dama Gaputra, ST., M.Ars.
Inovasi Penyediaan Rumah Susun Perkotaan di Kota Metropolitan, P3MI ITB.
Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi, Ir., MS., Ph.D; Bramanti Kusuma Nagari, ST., M.Sc; Samsirina, ST., MT., Dr.; Medria Shekar Rani, ST., MT., Ph.D.
Tipologi Permukiman dan Hunian di Peri-urban: Transformasi akibat Pariwisata, Riset Dikti.



International Journals
Nurdini, A., Hadianto, N. F., Suryani, S. (2021). Emerging housing choices for community resilience capacity in flood-prone areas of Bandung Regency, Indonesia. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Vol.36, Issue 1, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-020-09809-6 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10901-020-09809-6
Putri, V.O., Pratiwi, W.D. (2021). Heritage Tourism Development Strategy in Sekanak Market Area of Palembang City. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism. Vol. 19, Issue 1, p. 30-43, 2021. https://doi.org/10.5614/ajht.2021.19.1.03 https://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/ajht/article/view/15386

Putri, T.N., Sidi, B.D., Rahmi,M., Samsirina. (2018). Building Facade Transformation of Shophouses Viewed From Sustainability Principles Case Study: Shophouses in Bandung City. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 152 012021
Koncara, R.M.P., Tiarasari, R., Pratiwi, W.D. (2018). Transforming Shell and Society Elements in Human Settlements for Sustainable Tourism Development: Setu Babakan, South Jakarta, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 152 012029.
Putri, T.N., Sidi, B.D., Rahmi, M., Samsirina. (2018). Building Facade Transformation of Shophouses Viewed From Sustainability Principles Case Study: Shophouses in Bandung CityIOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 152 012021
Samsirina, Pratiwi, W.D., Harun, I.B. (2018). Tourism inside Gated: The Transformation of Gated Housing in Peri-Urban of Bandung. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, 15(1).

Katoppo, M.L., Triyadi, S., Siregar, M.J. (2017). Memory, Hope, and Sense—Design as Generator (DAG) Premises for Empowering Community. Advanced Science Letters, 23(7), 6095-6101. https://doi.org/10.1166/asl.2017.9213.
Nurdini, A., Harun, I. B. (2017). Spatial Bounded-Choice Behaviour within the Consumer of Rental Housing in Bandung, Indonesia. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 2(3), 95-104. https://doi.org/10.21834/jabs.v2i3.194.
Pratiwi, W.D., Lutfianti, E. (2017). Geotrail planning in geotourism Cimenyan subdistrict area, Bandung Regency. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, 15(1).

International Proceedings
Sidi, B. D., Samsirina, Putri, T. N., and Rahmi, M. (2020). Patterns of Sustainable Shophouse Development for Transit-Oriented Areas. Case Study of Batuceper Station, Tangerang. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 532/2020. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/532/1/012007
Suryani, S., Harun, I. B., and Astuti, W. K. (2020). Re-orienting TOD concept and implementation in Jakarta. Case study of the city of Bandung. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 532/2020. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/532/1/012005
Susanti, I., Permana, A. Y., Pratiwi, W.D., and Widiastuti, I. (2020). Territorial space: Structural changes in a religious tourism area (The case of Kampung Mahmud in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 447/2020. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/447/1/012031

Irwanuddin, I., Andoni, H., Nurdini, A. (2018). Towards sustainable transportation: Identification of the spatial configuration of rental housing. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 152 012031.
Nugrahanti, F.I., Yasin, P.E., Nurdini, A. (2018). Wind-Driven Natural Ventilation Design of Walk- Up Apartment in Coastal Region North Jakarta.  IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 152 012017.
Samsirina, Pratiwi, W.D., Putri, R.M. (2018). The Development of Historical and Eco-Tourism District of Setu Babakan in South Jakarta, Indonesia: Ecodistrict Planning Approach. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 152 012019


Pratiwi W.D., Susanti I., Samsirina. (2017). The Impact of Religious Tourism on a Village of Peri-urban Bandung: Transformation in Placemaking. In: Silver C., Marques L., Hanan H., Widiastuti I. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Arte-Polis. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5481-5_7.
Siswotomo P.B., Pratiwi W.D., Poerbo H.W. (2017). Transforming a Village in Tanimbar Island, Maluku, into a Tourist Destination. In: Silver C., Marques L., Hanan H., Widiastuti I. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Arte-Polis. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5481-5_11.
Sesotyaningtyas M., Pratiwi W.D., Harun I.B. (2017). Dwelling Transformations as Residents’ Creative Efforts in Response to Tourism Development in Pantai Kartini, Indonesia. In: Silver C., Marques L., Hanan H., Widiastuti I. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Arte-Polis. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5481-5_6.
Damanik F.K., Nasimussabah, Pratiwi W.D. (2017). Walking Trail Model for Tourism Development in Dago Pojok Creative Village, Bandung. In: Silver C., Marques L., Hanan H., Widiastuti I. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Arte-Polis. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5481-5_36.
Nurdini, A., Yovita, W., Negri, P. (2017). Resiliency and affordability of housing design, Kampong Cieunteung-Bale Endah in Bandung Regency as a case study. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 99 012013.


Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Telp. +62-22-2504962

Website: https://multisite.itb.ac.id/kkpp