Policy Planning & Development Management

Policy Planning and Development Management Research Group (PPDM-RG) is a research group established to accommodate faculty members with experience and interest in urban and regional development management, and policy planning.
Set up in 2005, this research division intends to contribute effectively to the enhancement of the scholarly scientific knowledge and the practice of policy planning and development management. The research group continuously strives to develop, manage, and deliver knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards effective policies and plans that are relevant to respond the dynamics of issues and problems in local, regional, and national contexts. Supported by highly competent human resources, PPDM-RG seeks to provide insights in bringing the economy, prosperity, modernity, and sustainability for the people.
Key specialization: metropolitan governance, urban management, development management, urban public finance, development finance, planning evaluation, smart city development, urban governance institution, public-private financing, fiscal impact analysis, local preference analysis, urban politics, policy analysis, disaster mitigation.

Benedictus Kombaitan
Curriculum Vitae
Ir. (ITB), M.Sc. (Wisconsin- Madison), Dr. (ITB).
Development management in land use, transportation and related environmental issues

Sonny Yuliar
Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor
Ir. (ITB), Ph.D. (ANU).
Technology governance and policy; innovation and development policy; actornetwork theory

Alhilal Furqan
Curriculum Vitae
Assistant Professor
B.Sc. (UKM), M.Sc., Ph.D. (USM).
Tourism planning; urban & regional planning; sustainable tourism planning

Assistant Professor
Ir. (ITB), MPI. (Adelaide).
Public policy planning; development institution and financing; coastal development management; conflict management in planning

Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Curriculum Vitae
Assistant Professor
Ir. (ITB), Dr. (Kochi).
Disaster risk reduction master planning; damage reduction system; contingency planning for city; early warning system

Puspita Dirgahayani
Curriculum Vitae
Assistant Professor
ST. (ITB), M.Eng., Dr.Eng. (Univ. of Tokyo).
Urban planning; urban transportation policy and management

Assistant Professor
Drs., SH. (Unpad), MT. (ITB), Dr. (ITB).
Participatory planning and action research; policy and budgeting; institutional design and development

Adenantera Dwicaksono
Curriculum Vitae
ST(ITB), M.Dev.St. (Melbourne), Ph.D. (SUNY at Albany).
Public financing; institutional & public policy development.

Hanry Kurnia L.
Curriculum Vitae
ST. (UGM), MT. (ITB)
Urban design; urban policy and management

Happy P. Fadjaruddin A.
Curriculum Vitae
ST. (ITB), MT. (ITB), Ph.D. Candidate (Unpad).
Urban policy and management

Nurrohman Wijaya
Curriculum Vitae
ST. (ITB), MT. (ITB), M.Sc. (AIT), Ph.D. Cand. (AIT).
Urban and regional planning; urban environmental management; climate change adaptation in urban area

ST. (ITB), MA. (Zeppelin Univ)., Ph.D. candidate (Melbourne University)
Public Management and Governance, Public Finance, Metropolitan Governance, Comparative Politics, Institutional Theory

Tizar Muh. Kautsar Bijaksana
Curriculum Vitae
Participatory planning, development management, planning theory
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Regional Development Planning and Ideal Lifestyle of Future Indonesia – By Utilizing Advance Green Energy Technology and Trans/Inter-disciplinary Approaches, in collaboration with TU-Delft, Netherland
Nurkholis, Indra, Tengku Munawar Chalil
Formulasi DAK Fisik berbasis kebutuhan
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Building Resilient Coastal Communities, in collaboration with University of Huddersfield – United Kingdom
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Mitigating Hydro Meteorological Hazard Impacts through Transboundary River Management in The Ciliwung River Basin
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Case for Support: Mitigating Hydro Meteorological Hazard Impacts through Transboundary River Management in The Ciliwung River Basin
Mohammedou Nasser Dine, Tengku Munawar Chalil
Measuring the Net Impact of Trade on Jobs Creation: Evidence from the Japanese Labor Market
Alhilal Furqan
Pariwisata Perkotaan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia: Tantangan dan Prospek (Studi Kasus di Kota Bandung) Okubo Noriko, Watanabe Rima, Yamada Ayako, Gondo Koichiro, Tengku Munawar Chalil
Green Access Project II
Alhilal Furqan
Perceptions of stakeholders related to tourism and the impacts of climate cha ge on natural attractions
Alhilal Furqan
Building food security through alternative food movement: a case study of Bandung Region
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Capacity Building in Asia for Resilience Education (CABARET)
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Mainstreaming Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adapation Strategies into Coastal Urban Agglomeration Policy
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Converging CCA and DRR Strategies into Agglomeration Policy for Coastal Me ropolitan Planning, kolaborasi dengan University of Pittsburgh-USA
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Capacity Building in Asia for Resilience Education (Indonesia side Principle Investigator), kolaborasi dengan University of Huddersfield-UK
Harkunti Pertiwi Rahayu
Mainstreaming Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaption Strategies into Coastal Urban Agglomeration Policy, kolaborasi dengan University of Huddersfield-UK
International Journals
Soemardi, B., Kusuma, B., Pribadi K., Yuliar, S. (2020). Technological Capability of Medium-sized Contractors in Indonesia. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries. DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/849/1/012077 Sci. Eng. 849 012077
Chalil, T.M. (2020). The Efficiency of Village Government Spending in Indonesia: A Meta-Frontier Analysis. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 35, 1-16. DOI:10.22146/jieb.44660
Chalil, T.M. (2020). Fiscal competitions among Indonesian municipalities: a spatial econometric analysis. Asia-Pac J Reg Sci 4, 241–260. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41685-019-00138-3
Suroso, D.S.A., Kombaitan, B. (2018) Social-ecological resilience for the spatial planning process using a system dynamics model: case study of Northern Bandung area, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSOC), Vol. 10, No. 1 https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSSOC.2018.092650
Dwicaksono, A., Brissette, I., Birkhead, G.S., Bozlak, C.T., Martin, E.G. (2018) Evaluating the contribution of the built environment on obesity among New York State students Volume: 45 issue: 4, page(s): 480-491. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1090198117742440
Dwicaksono, A., Fox A.A. (2018). Does Decentralization Improve Health System Performance and Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Count. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0009.12327
Dirgahayani, P., Choerunnisa D.N,. (2018). Development of Methodology to Evaluate TOD Feasibility in Built-up Environment (Case Study: Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia). IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 158 012019
Syafriharti, R., Kombaitan, B.,Kusumantoro, I.P., Syabri, I. (2018). Train users’ perceptions of walking distance to train station and attributes of paratransit service: understanding their association with decision using paratransit or not towards the train station. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 158 012016
Budisiswanto, N., Miharja, M., Kombaitan, B., Pradono, P. (2018) Multimodal Freight Transport Regulations in Indonesia And Its Implementation (A Case Study of Tanjung Priok Port). IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 158 012021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/158/1/012021TI
Kombaitan, B., Yudoko, G., Purboyo, H. (2018). Application of gis on determination of flood prone areas and critical arterial road network by using chaid method in Bandung area. Vol 147, page 11. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201814702007
Amaratunga, D., Malalgoda, C., Haigh, R., Panda, A., Rahayu, H. Sound Practices of Disaster Risk Reduction at Local Level. (2018) Volume 212, 2018, Pages 1163-1170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2018.01.150
H Rahayu, R Haigh, D Amaratunga. (2018). Strategic challenges in development planning for Denpasar City and the coastal urban agglomeration of Sarbagita. Volume 212, 2018, Pages 1347-1354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2018.01.174
Caraka, R.E., Saputra, P.M.A., Wijaya, N., Ulkhaq, M.M., Subair, M. (2018). Postal and trade network data within ASEAN countries and beyond. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1025 012117.
Yayat, K.D., Kombaitan, B., Pradono, P., Putro, H.P.H. (2017). Provision of Facilities for Street Vendors and Public Transport Stopping Near New Development Locate in Artery Road to Minimize the Traffic Impact. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 12: 4831-4836. 10.36478/jeasci.2017.4831.4836
Suryana, H., Putro, H.P.H., Yudok, G., Dirgahayani, P. (2017). Model Development of Reverse Logistics in the Distribution and Transportation Network (Case Study of Plastic Waste Management in Indonesia). Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12: 6649-6654. 10.36478/jeasci.2017.6649.6654
Dwiartama, A.,Tresnadi, C., Furqon, A., Pratama, M.F. (2017). From Initiative to Movement: The Growth and Evolution of Local Food Networks in Bandung, Indonesia. Vol 2, No 4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20849/ajsss.v2i4.217 ISSN 2424-9041.
International Proceedings
Syafriharti, R., Kombaitan, B., Kusumantoro, I.P,. Syabri I. (2018). Train users’ perceptions of walking distance to train station and attributes of paratransit service: understanding their association with decision using paratransit or not towards the train station IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 158 012016
Syafriharti, R., Kombaitan, B., Kusumantoro, I.P,. Syabri I. (2018). Relationship between train users’ perceptions of walkability with access and egress mode choice MATEC Web Conf. Volume 147. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201814702004
larasati O, Dirgahayani, P. (2018). Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) Of Transport Disadvantage Variables on Social Exclusion in a Rural Context IOPConf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 158 012015
Wijaya, N., Furqan, A. (2018) Coastal Tourism and Climate-Related Disasters in an Archipelago Country of Indonesia: Tourists’ Perspective. Volume 212, Pages 535-542, ISSN 1877-7058, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2018.01.069
Rahayu, H.P., Aini, Q., Putri, A.N. (2017). Study on business resilience factors toward earthquake and tsunami – A case study of Padang city: AIP Conference Proceedings: Vol 1857, No 1 https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4987126
Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencannaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Telp. +62-22-2504962
Website: https://multisite.itb.ac.id/kkp2pk