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ITB and TUD 2nd Shared Heritage Lab. Workshop 4- 9 March 2019

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In March 4 till 9, 2019 the Shared Heritage Lab. Workshop took place at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft Technical University (DUT), The Netherlands. The workshop was attended by seven ITB students from Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design programs, while the DUT student fellows consist of Architectural Engineering, Urbanism and Heritage programs. This student’s workshop was part of the second batch of Graduation Studio Project for master students and was also a continuation of the previous workshop and survey activities in Bandung last October 2018. The project Shared Heritage has been an outcome of a discussion initiated by the former cultural attaché of Dutch Embassy in Jakarta, Dr. Michael Rauner.

Like the first batch, the focus of the case study is still the city of Bandung with its surroundings. The workshop program consisted of students’ presentation, discussion, and a symposium on & March 2019, including excursions to visit several adaptive-reuse or conversion projects in Amsterdam, Hilversum and Tilburg. In the symposium, held on 7 March 2019, after the presentation from Jean Paul Corten (Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE), Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo together with Dr.Eng. Arif S. Wibowo delivered speeches on Challenges and Potentials of Heritage Conservation in Semarang and Bandung; while Dr.-Ing. Heru Poerbo held a presentation on resiliency in Semarang. The presentations gave highlights and report of the ongoing students’ research projects, and provided information on Semarang, as the next locus of the Shared Heritage Workshop. Indonesian Dispora, several Dutch experts on Indonesia and Dutch-Indonesia community attended also the symposium. (For Bahasa Indonesian language cf. https://sappk.itb.ac.id/rancangkota/?p=72)

The Old Town of Semarang, and most probably also Lasem, was decided as the new cases for the next third batch, which will be started in September 2019. Valuable lessons and important experiences from Bandung, Semarang and Lasem will significantly be contributing to the discussion on Shared Heritage in two countries. It is also believed, that the three batches of the workshop will provide data and create a basis for jointly-organized publication in relation to the 2020 first centennial commemoration of the First Higher Education in Engineering in Indonesia, which will be held in ITB Bandung.

Foto: A. S. Wibowo, 2019

Foto: W. Martokusumo, 2019

Foto: Y. S. Martokusumo, 2019


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