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International Joint Studio 2021

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International Joint Studio is a regular event conducted by the Urban and Regional Planning Graduate Programs of SAPPD ITB since 2015 and has been recognised globally and receiving several international awards including World Urban Solutions by World Urban Campaign 2016 and Student Award Special Mention in ISOCARP World Congress 2020.

International Joint Studio 2021 will be held on 22 February – 5 March. It is themed Understanding the Self-Organised Cities in the Global South: Planning and Design Adaptations during Covid-19 Pandemic and is designed to embrace diversity in cohort and themes of planning and design. Students with backgrounds of urban and regional planning, architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, development studies, tourism planning, environmental engineering, civil engineering, and transport planning are encouraged to participate.

Contact person : Dr. Ninik Suhartini (email: nsuhartini@pl.itb.ac.id)

ITB Joint Studio Outline

Click the URL below to download the Joint Studio Outline :


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