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Dean’s Visit to the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

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The Dean of SAPPD, Prof. W. Martokusumo, was recently invited to visit Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning (FAUP) and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Restoration (FCER) at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt (FHE) from 25 Feb till 28 Feb 2019. FHE has been considered as ITB’s strategic university partner, and it is already proven that our records of mutual jointly-supervised/organized workshops and academic engagements between ITB and FHE. After the first meeting on future cooperation with Prof Philipp Krebs, the Dean of Faculty Architecture and Urban Planning (FAUP) the award of Ganesha Widya Jasa Adi-Utama was also handed to Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Gruber (FAUP). Throughout his engagements and role as International Relations Manager of the faculty, Prof. Gruber has performed special achievements and significantly contributed to academic activities and development, such as design methods, design studio teaching/workshops at the Department of Architecture in ITB.

The second meeting took place at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Restoration and was attended by the Dean, Prof. Ulrich Neuhof and the representative officer of the International Relations Office, Ms. Cornelia Witter. Possible cooperation between SAPPD and FCER has been also discussed, and both parties are agreed to maintain the ongoing co-operations for the future. Both Prof. Gruber and Prof. Neuhof have played a significant role in opening initiatives and in responding to ITB’s academic activities, such as jointly-organized studios within the architecture program (2006, 2007), faculty/students exchange (2008-2009), joint workshops with wider background of students/participants (not only the students of architecture, but also urban planning, urban design and landscape architecture, in 2017).


Hand over the Ganesha Widya Jasa Adi-Utama to Prof. R. Gruber
Foto: Y.S. Martokusumo, Feb. 2019


Meeting with Prof. U. Neuhof and Ms. C. Witter
Foto: W. Martokusumo, Feb. 2019

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