Prof. Julie Willis, Professor of Architecture and Dean Faculty for Architecture, Building and Planning (FABP), together with Ms. Adelle Spark, Manager of International Partnerships of the University of Melbourne, visited the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPD) ITB 23-24 July 2018. The University of Melbourne has been one of the most strategic partners of ITB in Down Under, and the relationship between the two institutions, especially between the SAPPD and FABP, has been very supportive. On-going cooperation consists of several academic programs, as follows: Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo was awarded the Melbourne Asia Visiting Fellowship 2015-2016, and two faculty staffs of SAPPD, i.e. RR Diah Asih Purwaningrum (2016) and Karina Putri (2017), were each granted prestigious PhD scholarships at the Melbourne School of Design (MSD), FABP, the University of Melbourne.
Prof. Willis is an authority on the history of Australian architecture 1890-1950 and has undertaken significant projects researching the development of modern hospital architecture in Australia; the importance of public buildings in community, civic and national identity; architecture during wartime and its subsequent impact on practice and production; and equity and diversity in the Australian architecture profession.
During the visit Prof. Willis had delivered a special public lecture on “Collaborative Work on Architectural History and Heritage on Australia and the Asia Pacific” at the Gallery of the Department of Architecture, moderated by Prof. Iwan Sudradjat, PhD on 24 July 2018 in the morning. In the afternoon those faculty guests were invited to a faculty meeting attended by the Dr. Denny Zulkaidi, MUP, Vice Dean for Academic Resources, Dr. Suryamanto, Research Coordinator of SAPPD, Prof. Iwan Sudradjat, PhD, Chair of Research Group History, Theory and Criticism in Architecture, Ir. Budi Faisal, MLA, MAUD, PhD, Chair of the Landscape Architecture Program, and Ir. Johnny Patta, MURP as representative from the Research Group Policy Development and Development Management. The meeting discussed the progress of two ITB faculties, who have been working on their PhD program at MSD, and eventually also addressed several important issues, such as possible schemes on academic cooperation (PhD scholarships, joint-research, travelling studio in 2019, sabbatical leave program etc).