Boedi Darma Sidi, Ir. (ITB), MSA (ITB), Dr-Ing. (TH Darmstadt, Germany) Assistant Professor Dr. Boedi adalah anggota KK Perumahan dan Permukiman. Penelitian Dr. Boedi banyak
Fasridjal M. Noor S., Ir (ITB), MSc. (AIT, Thailand), MURP (U of Wisconsin, US) Assistant Professor Pak Fasridjal adalah anggota senior dari Laboratorium Perumahan dan
Sutan Hidayatsyah, Ir (ITB), MSP (ITB) Associate Professor Pak Sutan termasuk salah seorang anggota kelompok pionir STRAPP di Departemen Arsitektur ITB. Penelitiannya menyangkut pembangunan dan
Dewi LarasatiAssistant Professor ST, MT (ITB), PhD (Kochi) Research interest: Construction management; sustainable construction; project delivery service email: Blog :
Surjamanto W. Assistant Professor Ir (Unibraw), MT (ITB), Dr (ITB) Research interest: Urban thermal environment; building material and technology; building structure and technology email:
Andry Widyowijatnoko Assistant Professor ST, MT (ITB), Dr (Candidate – RW TH Aachen) Research interest: Structural design; appropriate technology for developing countries; bamboo construction email:
Lily Tambunan Assistant Professor Ir (Unhas), MT (ITB), Dr (ITB) Research interest: Building technology and safety email: Informasi lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di sini
Bambang Toto Pambudi Assistant Professor Ir (ITB) Research interest: Building construction and environment; project and construction management email:
Boediono Soerasno Associate Professor Ir (ITB), MSc.BEM (UCL) Research interest: Building technology; high rise building; construction management email: