Arif Sarwo Wibowo Assistant Professor ST, MT (ITB), DrEng (Tokyo ) Research interest: History of urban and architectural design; colonial architecture email:
Bambang Setia Budi Assistant Professor ST, MT (ITB), PhD (Toyohashi) Research interest: Islamic architecture; vernacular architecture; theory of architecture and urbanism email:
Mochamad Prasetiyo E.Yasin Assistant Professor Ir (ITB), MArch, MAUD (Colorado), Dr (Candidate – ITB) Research interest: Architectural and urban design; theory and methodology of spatial
Himasari Hanan Assistant Professor Ir (ITB), MAE (Leuven), Dr.Ing (Kassel) Research interest: Theory of architecture and urban design; History of modern and urban architecture; urban
Agustinus Adib Abadi Associate Professor Program Doktor. Prodi Arsitektur ITB. 2004. MSC. Development Planning. Barlett School University College London. 1994. Ir. Jurusan Arsitektur ITB. 1987.
Mohammad Jehansyah Siregar, ST (ITB), MT (ITB), PhD. (Tokyo University, Japan) Assistant Professor Pak Jehan adalah anggota Laboratorium Perumahan dan Permukiman di KK Perumahan dan