Architectural History, Theory, and Criticism Research Group
The research group Architectural History, Theory and Criticism aims for the comprehensive understanding on architectural and urbanism phenomena, its context and driving power. There are four main areas of study;
- Dwelling culture, local knowledge and vernacular architecture of ethnic community in Indonesia
- Develoment of architecture and urbanism in Indonesia
- Architecture and urbanism criticism, and
- Documentation of ideas and works of Indonesian architects
Ir., MSA. (ITB), Ph.D. (Sydney).
Historiography of architecture; theory of architecture; research methodology; gender and built environment
Ir. (ITB), MAE. (Leuven), Dr- Ing. (Kassel).
Vernacular Architecture & Urban Design; History of Modern and Urban Architecture; Urban Studies; Creative Industries
Assistant Professor
ST., MT. (ITB), Dr-Eng. (Tokyo).
History of Urban and Architectural Design; Colonial Architecture; Historical Building Conservation; Building Documentation and Photogrammetry
Assistant Professor
ST., MT. (ITB), Dr-Eng. (Toyohashi).
Islamic Architecture; Vernacular Architecture; Theory of Architecture and Urbanism
Assistant Professor
ST., MT. (ITB), Ph.D. (Anna, India).
Vernacular Architecture; Ethnographic and Architectural Anthropology; Dwelling Culture; South Indian Vernacular Architecture; Minangkabau Architecture; Architectural Theory and Criticism
Ir., MT. (ITB), Dr. (UNPAR).
Balinese Architecture; Vernacular Architecture; History and Theory Architecture; Architecture and Commodification
Vernacular Architecture; Modern Architecture
Research Activities
Christina Gantini, Iwan Sudradjat, Himasari Hanan, Indah Widiastuti, Feni Kurniati, Arif Sarwo Wibowo, Bambang Setia Budi
Teorisasi Fenomena Sosial-Budaya Arsitektur Lokal di Indonesia
Himasari Hanan
Karakteristik Tempat Interaksi Sosial di Lingkungan Perumahan Perkotaan bagi Pemodelan Fasilitas Publik Perkotaan
Indah Widiastuti, Iwan Sudradjat, dan Christina Gantini
Pengaruh Modernisasi terhadap Konstruksi Hubungan Gender pada Arsitektur Masyarakat Bersistem Pewarisan Matrilineal di Nusantara. Kasus Studi: Timor
Christina Gantini, Iwan Sudradjat, Indah Widiastuti
Studi Komparatif Arsitektur Timor di Indonesia dan Timor Leste Pasca Referendum
Arif Sarwo Wibowo
Pengaruh Perkembangan Arsitektur dan Tata Ruang Siti Inggil Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon terhadap Aktivitas Ritual Adat Tradisi
Feni Kurniawati
Pendidikan Arsitektur dalam Konteks Pandemi COVID-19: Adaptasi Pelaksanaan Mata Kuliah Studio
Arif Sarwo Wibowo
Pendokumentasian Bangunan Cagar Budaya di Lingkungan Kampus Institut Teknologi Bandung: Gedung Teknik Sipil ITB
Bambang Setia Budi, Arif Sarwo Wibowo
Studi Karya Arsitektur dan Konsep Pemikiran Arsitek Belanda Henri Maclaine
Iwan Sudradjat
Penulisan Buku ‘Kritik Arsitektur’
Himasari Hanan
Kota Tuban sebagai Living Heritage dari Kota Multi-Budaya
Indah Widiastuti dan Iwan Sudradjat
Pengaruh Modernisasi Terhadap Konstruksi Hubungan Gender pada Arsitektur Masyarakat Matrilineal di Nusantara. Kasus Studi: Kampung Adat Ngadha
International Journals
Sofian, T., Sudradjat, I., Tedjo, B. (2020). Materiality and Sensibility: Phenomenological Studies of Brick As Architectural Material. Nakhara: Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 18, 1-10. Retrieved from
Kastuari, A., Suwardhi, D., Hanan, H., Wikantika, K., Harto, A. B., Virtriana, R., Trisyanti, S. W. (2020). Implementation of SExI–FS (Spatially Explicit Individual-based Forest Simulator) Model using UAV Aerial Photo Data Case Study: Jatinangor ITB Campus. Hayati, 27(4), 314-319.
Putrie, Y. E., Martokusumo, W., Budi,B.S. (2020) DEFENDING SPACES, PREVENTING CONFLICTS: The Politics of Identity Representation in the Nahdliyin Mosques in Malang Raya. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 14(1), 26-50.
Cesarin, B.T., Hanan, H., Ekomadyo, A.S. (2018). Urban Design Dimension Of Informality At The Perimeter Of Brawijaya University And UIN Maliki Malang. SHS Web of Conferences 41, 07005 (2018).
Hanan, H. (2018). Individual Practice and Cultural Context in the Transformation of Batak Toba House. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, 3(7), 99-108.
Budi, B.S., Wibowo, A.S. (2018). A Typological Study of Historical Mosques in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 17:1, 1-8, DOI: 10.3130/jaabe.17.1
Putrie, Y.E., Martokusumo, W., Budi, B.S. (2018). Maintaining or negotiating identity: The socio-political dynamics of community mosques in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Architecture, 5 (1). pp. 45-52. ISSN 2086-2636.
Hanan, H. (2017). Every Day Practices and Experiential Urban Space. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, 2(5), 27-37.
Herliana, E.T., Hanan, H., Kusuma, H.E. (2017). Exploring Sense if Place for the Sustainability of Heritage District in Yogyakarta. Journal of Architecture and Environment, 16(2), 75-92.
Putrie, Y. E., Martokusumo, W., Budi, B. S. (2017). Continuity or Discontinuity, Revisiting the Legacy of Wali Sanga Mosques: Case studies of Contemporary Mosques of Nahdliyin in Malang, East Java. Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 13, 13-28. Retrieved from
International Proceedings
Ramadhan, T., Estika, N. D., Widiastuti, I. (2021). The Characteristics of Secondary Skin Facade of Contemporary House by Indonesian Architects. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 738 012022.
Gaputra, A. D., Widiastuti, I., Estika, N. D. (2020). The Implementation of Transit-Oriented Development Concepts on Pedestrian Pathways in the City of Bandung. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science532:012019. DOI: 1088/1755 1315/532/1/012019. License CC BY 3.0.
Gantini, C. (2020). ‘Bale Kulkul’ Architecture as the Representation of Balinese Autonomy Tradition. Reframing the Vernacular: Politics, Semiotics, and Representation. pp 31-41.
Hanan, H., Winawangsari, D. (2020). Place Making and Ordering Life. Case Study: The Bali Aga Village, Pengotan. In: Suartika G., Nichols J.(eds) Reframing the Vernacular: Politics, Semiotics, and Representation. Springer, Cham.
Kurniati F., Salamah, H., Suryani S. (2020). Identifying Local Builders’ Roles in Physical Transformation of Minangkabau’sRumah Gadang. Proceeding ‘Reframing the Vernacular: Politics, Semiotics, and Representation’. Penerbit: Springer-Singapura.
Widiastuti I., Saiful A., Kartamihardja A.I. (2017) Bukit Pakar Timur Street and the Development of Art Space and Café Tourism in Bandung. In: Silver C., Marques L., Hanan H., Widiastuti I. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Arte-Polis. Springer, Singapore.
Wibowo, A.S. (2017). Study of building typology of school constructed during the Dutch Colonial Period in Indonesia. Case study of Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS) in Bandung. IOP Conference Series: Earth Environmental Science 126 012077
Silver, C., Marques, L., Hanan, H., Widiastuti, I. (2017). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Arte-Polis: Imagining Experience: Creative Tourism and the Making of Place. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Gantini, C., Hanan, H. (2017). The Impact of Tourism Industry on the Sustainability of Traditional Bale Banjar in Denpasar. In: Silver C., Marques L., Hanan H., Widiastuti I. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Arte-Polis. Springer, Singapore.
Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Telp. +62-22-2504962