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Excursion to Lasem ITB – TU Delft Semarang, 2 November 2019

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A group of ITB and TU Delft students visited Lasem, a district located in the coastal town of Rembang known as “The Little Tiongkok”, as a part of Shared Heritage Lab #3 events. Lasem keeps a wide variety of well-preserved Chinese architecture for it is believed to be the home of the first Chinese migrants that came and resided in Nusantara. Places visited including Lasem Museum, Cu An Kiong Temple (the oldest Chinese temple in Lasem), Lawang Ombo, Rumah Oei, Rumah Batik Lumintu (operating batik workshop that still produces Batik Tiga Negeri), and Lee Thiam Kwie Thegel Fabriek. The experience and knowledge gathered from the excursion hopefully could give students new insights on conservation strategies that could be applied to students’ project in the Shared Heritage Lab.

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