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< 2022 >
  • 01

    UoM-ITB Guest Lecture Series 2022 presents: Prof. Anoma Pieris – Theorising the South

    09:00 -11:00

    UoM-ITB Guest Lecture Series 2022 presents:
    *Prof. Anoma Pieris – Theorising the South*
    Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 9 am (Bandung time)
    Zoom link: https://bit.ly/guestlecture-pieris

    The global South, which Indonesia is part of, possesses specific characteristics inherent in how its people live. It is crucial to comprehend this positioning with its complexities when doing research in the South. But what does it mean to identify the South as our point of enunciation? How do we capture and represent the place from which we speak, and the places and people we speak of? What research tools are needed to make this space visible and viable for the built environment disciplines? How do we write ourselves into global histories?

    Prof. Anoma Pieris will elaborate on this topic in her upcoming lecture. This lecture is open to all SAPPD students. It is compulsory for students of AR5151, AR6099 and AR6113, and is recommended for students of AR6095, AR7101 and AR7102.

    This guest lecture is part of the collaboration between the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPD), ITB and the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning (ABP), The University of Melbourne

  • 03

    Mari ikut serta di Webinar SAPPK 2022 #7 dari Kelompok Keahlian Sejarah, Teori, dan Kritik Arsitektur (STKA)!

    09:00 -11:00


    Mari ikut serta di Webinar SAPPK 2022 #7 dari Kelompok Keahlian Sejarah, Teori, dan Kritik Arsitektur (STKA)!
    *Lesson Learned dari Warisan Arsitektur Hindia Belanda*
    Kamis, 3 November 2022
    09.00 – 11.00 WIB
    Hybrid di R. Seminar dan Zoom (link tertera di poster)
    1. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Himasari Hanan, MAE (KK-STKA)
    2. Dr. Ir. Christina Gantini, M.T. (KK-STKA)
    3. Dr. Eng. Bambang Setia Budi, S.T., M.T. (KK-STKA)
    Prof. Ir. Iwan Sudradjat, MSA, Ph.D. (KK-STKA)
    Aji Bimarsono, S.T., M.Sc. (Bandung Heritage)
    Zoom meeting akan dibuka pukul 08.45 WIB.
    Link Registrasi:
    Link Virtual Background:
    Dapatkan sertifikat gratis!
    Jangan lupa untuk bergabung yaa!
    Sampai jumpa di Webinar SAPPK 2022 #7!
  • 15

    Public Lecture

    10:00 -11:30

    The ITB Urban and Regional Planning Study Program invites you to attend the public lecture presented by Prof. Robyn Dowling with the topic of “Smart City Trends in The Australian and International Context”

    Lectures will be held on:
    Day, and date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
    Time: 10.00-11.30 WIB
    Location: Multifunctional Room 6th floor, Labtek IXA

    Open Online for Public
    Registration Link

    Compulsory for students (offline) of classes:
    PL3002 Special topics for planning I
    PL6005 Research writing
    PL5161 Computational and scientific thinking
    PL7101 Planning theory seminar
    AR1101 Introduction to planning and design

  • 17

    Webinar SAPPK 2022 #8 dari Kelompok Keahlian Perencanaan Wilayah dan Perdesaan (PWD)!

    09:00 -11:30

    Webinar SAPPK 2022 #8 dari Kelompok Keahlian Perencanaan Wilayah dan Perdesaan (PWD)!

    Tantangan Keberlanjutan Lingkungan dalam Pembangunan Wilayah

    Kamis, 17 November 2022
    09.00 – 11.30 WIB
    Hybrid di R. Seminar Labtek IX-A Lantai 2 SAPPK ITB dan Zoom (link tertera di poster)

    Keynote Speaker:
    Ir. Laksmi Wijayanti, M.CP. (Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan)

    1. Erik Teguh Primiantoro, S,Hut., MES. (Direktur PDLKWS Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan)
    2. Dr. Ir. Hadi Nurtjahjo, MT. (KK-PWD)
    3. Muhamad Alkaf, S.Hut., M.Si. (Mahasiswa Program Doktor PWK ITB)
    4. Dr. Isnu Putra Pratama., ST., MPWK (KK-PWD)

    Arini Murwindarti, S.Si., M.Sc. (KK-PWD)

    Zoom meeting akan dibuka pukul 08.45 WIB.

    Link Registrasi:
    Link Virtual Background:

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