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Kuliah Tamu “Indonesian Cities in The World City Network 2000-2018”

Kuliah Tamu “Indonesian Cities in The World City Network 2000-2018”

Program Studi Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota SAPPK-ITB menghadirkan dosen tamu: Prof. Dr. Ben Derudder [Professor of Human Geography in the Department of Geography at Ghent University (Belgium)/ Associate Director of Globalization and World Cities (GaWC)] memberikan kuliahnya bertajuk Indonesian Cities in The World City Network 2000-2018, pada hari Kamis 17 Oktober 2019 mulai pukul […]

Habitechno 4 Theme: Design for Inclusive and Habitable Transit-Oriented Development Area

Habitechno 4 Theme: Design for Inclusive and Habitable Transit-Oriented Development Area

https://ar.itb.ac.id/habitechno-4-international-conference Transit-Oriented development (TOD) nowadays is a key word for metropolitan development in an effort to enhance efficiency of inter-modal public transportation system as well as creation of multi-nucleus urban centers. The concept poses challenges when applied to developing countries where TOD development is catered for mid-income use of public transport and the low-income living […]