On September 12-13, 2024, the Architecture Study Program held the 10th Arte-Polis activity which took place at the PAU Building, 8th floor, ITB Ganesha Campus.
The theme of the 10th Arte-Polis is “Reinventing Creative Space and The Making of Place”
This event featured several activities:
The first day was a Guest Lecture with:
- Woerjantari Kartidjo (Lecture, ITB)
- Tita Larasati (BCCF, ITB)
- Jia-Ping Lee (Think City, Malaysia)
The second day was:
- Workshop Sessions:
- Urban Kampong
- Culture 21
- Gala Dinner Event
This event went well and smoothly.
Documentation: https://itbdsti-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/25223034_mahasiswa_itb_ac_id/EhNVLV-Zba5NnldWouygfRMBdu-WJ21iifLs3mn4qehzXw?e=4EBnmj