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Seminar Internasional 2006

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Judul: Water Preparedness Condition in Tsunami Prone Area. Case study :Banyuwangi, East Java.
Penulis: Lily Tambunan, MT; Andry W, MT
Publikasi: Proceeding 7th International Seminar on Sustainable Environment and Architecture (SENVAR VII), ISBN 979-15469-1-6. Unhas Makassar. 21-22 November 2006
Judul: Water Damage on Building :The Role of Roof’s Design
Penulis: Bambang Totopambudi; Lily Tambunan
Publikasi: Prosiding Seminar International SENVAR 7, ISBN 979-15469-1-6. Unhas Makassar. 21-22 November 2006
Judul: Study of Thermal Comfort with Hybrid Ventilation For Elementary School Building in Urban Kampong, Case Study : Puter Elementary School
Penulis: Sugeng Triyadi S; Andi Harapan S
Publikasi: Proceedings of the ANZAScA 40 th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association” Challenges for Architectural Science in Changing Climates”. The University of Adelaide, Australia. 22-25 November 2006
Judul: The Influence of “Urban Kampong Pattern” (Unplanned Urban Growth) on Thermal Comfort of Bandung Houses, Case Study : Kampung Gagak.
Penulis: Sugeng Triyadi S; Andi Harapan S
Publikasi: Proceedings of the ANZAScA 40 th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association” Challenges for Architectural Science in Changing Climates”. The University of Adelaide, Australia. 22-25 November 2006
Judul: Worker differences in commuting to city centers within the Bandung Metropolitan Area
Penulis: Ibnu Syabri
Publikasi: Paper Presented at the 8th IRSA International Conference on “Empowering Regional Economic Development toward Sustainable Poverty Alleviation: Good Governance, Financing Development and the Environment”, IRSA and Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. 18-19 Agustus 2006
Judul: Tracing Polycentric Concept: A Road to the Metropolitan Evolution
Penulis: B. Kombaitan
Publikasi: The 8th IRSA International Conference on “Empowering Regional Economic Development toward Sustainable Poverty Alleviation: Good Governance, Financing Development and the Environment”, IRSA and Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. 18-19 Agustus 2006
Judul: An Integrative Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Assessing the Environmental Context of Social Vulnerability to Volcano Hazards: The Impacts of Mount Merapi Explosions.
Penulis: B. Kombaitan
Publikasi: The 8th IRSA International Conference on “Empowering Regional Economic Development toward Sustainable Poverty Alleviation: Good Governance, Financing Development and the Environment”, IRSA and Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. 18-19 Agustus 2006
Judul: Bandung as a Creative City: Visions on Creative Culture and the Making of Place Bandung
Penulis: Ahmad Rida Soemardi
Publikasi: Proceedings, International Seminar on Urban Culture, Arte-Polis: Creative Culture and the Making of Place Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development, Institute of Technology Bandung, hal. VI-159 – VI-170. ISBN 979-25-0422-2 (21-22 July 2006)
Judul: Life-Style and Culture Society in Creating Eating Places
Penulis: Widiyani, ST, MT.
Publikasi: Proceedings International Seminar on Urban Culture, Dept. of Architecture School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development, ITB, ISBN 979-25-0422-2; Bandung;(21-22 July 2006)
Judul: Globalizing Local Content, A New Concept in Planning Education Experience in Developing Double Maste Degree Program Between University of Groningen, the Netherlands and Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Penulis: Haryo Winarso; Ibnu Syabri
Publikasi: Paper presented at the 2nd World Planning School Congress held in Mexico (12-16 July 2006)
Judul: Oil Palm, Two Faces of Coin, An Endless Road Towards Sustainability
Penulis: Ridwan Sutriadi; Luqman Erningpraja; Roby Fauzan; Emenda Sembiring; Agung Wahyudi
Publikasi: International Oil Palm Conference (IOPC 2006) ; Nusa Dua, Bali; 19-23 Juni 2006
Judul: Thermal Environemt of Kampung Kota in Hot Humid City. Case Study : Kelurahan Sukaluyu-Bandung Indonesia
Penulis: Surjamanto W; M.Donny K
Publikasi: International Seminar INTA Conference 2006, harmony in Culture and Nature, ISBN: 979-25-2110-0 (Jogjakarta-Duta Wacana Christian University-Indonesia, 3-5 April 2006)
Judul: An Integrative Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Assessing the Environmental Context of Social Vulnerability to Volcano Hazards: The Impacts of Mount Merapi Explosions
Penulis: Ibnu Syabri
Publikasi: Proceedings of the Eight International Conference of Indonesian Regional Science Association, Malang, Indonesia
Judul: Estimating Urban Population Density: An Approach to Linking Remotely Sensed Data and Village Census Data
Penulis: Ibnu Syabri
Publikasi: Proceedings of ITB Research Grants, Bandung, Indonesia
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