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Riset Krishna 2006

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Integrated Water Resource Management through Sustainable Development Policy in Basin Area

(Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Terpadu Melalui Pengembangan Kebijakan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Cekungan Bandung)

Krishna N. Pribadi, Dr., Ir., MSc., M.Phil


In the last decade, water is recognized as having economic value, besides its social value.
However, the need to conserve water and allocate it to more valuable uses has not always been evident. In some societies water has long been treated as scarce and valuable resources. In the majority of countries as in the case of Indonesia, however, water has been treated as though it were available in unlimited quantities. Meanwhile, the availability of water resources is being threatened by explosive growth of urban activities, uncontrolled industrialization, and expanding population lacking proper sanitation.
Perception of drinking water as a social service probably springs from the necessity of water for life. From there it is not very far to argue that the right to water should not and cannot be questioned. It has been taken for granted that this necessity of life should be free, or almost free. It is also taken for granted that all people should be guaranteed this vital water as part of their human rights. However, there is a much weaker understanding of what responsibilities
and reciprocal obligations should be associated with the established rights. Responsibilities are seldom specified although, for instance, many countries subscribe to the Polluters Pay Principle.
Obligations of those who receive drinking water are even less clear.
Mismanagement of water resources is putting human health and sustainable development at risk. A concern for management of water resources under increasing scarcity and societal stress, including financial constraints and with due consideration to the ecosystems, is a key challenge.
This research will concentrate on the analysis of policy related to water, which is a part of the whole Integrated Water Resource Management. This research will discuss about water condition and policies which affected the management of water in Bandung Basin.

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